On Thursday 13th December, Key stage 2 took part in a basketball skills competition.
Each class was split into 4 teams and the teams took part in challenges to win points by passing, shooting and dribbling. The children were fantastic in cheering each other on and being supportive by giving coaching tips.
Some of the activities the children completed were:
Basketball golf – The children had 4 different ‘tees’, to shoot at the hoop and for each basket scored they scored a point.
Ball in the ring – This is a ‘piggy in the middle’ style game but with a ring of children passing the ball across a circle, whilst the opposing team try and stop them 1 at a time.
Dibbling Relay – Each team had to dribble through a series on cones and sit down when all team members had completed the challenge.
After completing their own year group challenges the Sports Crew then lead the Year 3/4 Competition alongside Mr Lawrence. It was a great afternoon and we look forward to the children participating in other sporting events like this across the year!
All of the children participating had a brilliant time, it was really great to see how they supported each other and all used their growth mindsets to keep going and have a go!
The Year 3/4 Winning Team with a total of 72 Points was ‘The Pink Team’ so well done to them!
The Year 5/6 and Overall Winning Team with a grand total of 84 Points was ‘The Green Team’ so a big well done to them as well!