School Performance


The school was rated Good by Ofsted during a short inspection on 14 May 2019. Click here for the report.

You can also view the school performance tables on the DfE website.

EYFS Results
July 2019
EYFS Teacher Assessment Results
July 2022
Chiddingly National Comparison Chiddingly National Comparison
Percentage of children achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD) 86.7% 71.8% 73% –%
Average Point Score 41.1 34.6
KS1 Results
July 2019
KS1 Teacher Assessment Results
July 2022
Chiddingly National Comparison Chiddingly East Sussex Comparison
Percentage of children passing the Phonics Screening Test in Y1 93.3% 81.9% 87% 73%
Percentage of children passing the Phonics Screening Test by the end of Y2 100% 91.4% 100% 89%
Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics Reading: 83.3

Writing: 75%

Mathematics: 91.7%

Reading: 74.9%

Writing: 69.2%

Mathematics: 75.6%

Reading: 86%

Writing: 86%

Mathematics: 93%


Writing: 56%

Mathematics: 65%

Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in reading writing and mathematics Reading: 25%

Writing: 16.7%

Mathematics: 25%

Reading: 25%

Writing: 14.8%

Mathematics: 21.7%

Reading: 21%

Writing: 14%

Mathematics: 14%

Reading: 16%

Writing: 6%

Mathematics: 11%

KS2 results July
KS2 Teacher Assessment Results
July 2022
Chiddingly National comparison Chiddingly East Sussex Comparison
Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard in reading, writing, GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and mathematics Reading: 85.7%

Writing: 85.7%

Mathematics: 85.7%

GPS: 64.3%

Combined R,W,M: 71.4%

Reading: 73%

Writing: 78.3%

Mathematics: 78.6%

GPS: 77.9%

Combined R,W,M: 64.6%

Reading: 80%

Writing: 87%

Mathematics: 93%

GPS: 73%

Combined R,W,M: 73%

Reading: 72%

Writing: 68%

Mathematics: 67%

GPS: 72%

Combined R,W,M: 54.8%

Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in reading, writing,  GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling)  and mathematics Reading: 14.3%

Writing: 20.1%

Mathematics: 7.1%

GPS: 14.3%

Combined GDS R,W,M: 7.1%

Reading:  26.9%

Writing: 14.3%

Mathematics: 26.6%

GPS: 35.6%

Combined GDS R,W,M: 10.5%

Reading: 33%

Writing: 27%

Mathematics: 47%

GPS: 40%

Combined higher level of attainment R,W,M: 20%

Reading: 24%
Writing: 10%
Mathematics: 26%
GPS: 23%Combined higher level of attainment R,W,M: 5%
Average scaled score in reading 103.9 104.4
Average scaled score in mathematics 103.7 105
Average scaled score in GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) 102.9 106.3
Average progress in mathematics from KS1 results (national average progress is 0) -1.5 0
Average progress in writing  from KS1 results (national average progress is 0) -0.9 0
Average progress in reading  from KS1 results (national average progress is 0) -2.2 0