Beech Newsletter Term 6 – Coasts & Castles


Dear Parents,

Welcome back, I hope you all had a great half term. Thank you for all of your support last term. We had a fantastic term including the visit to Ashburnham Place and we enjoyed sharing the explorers projects that were brought in. This term we will be starting a new topic called ‘Coasts and Castles’. We will be finding out about castles and coasts, learning about the history of castles, learning fairy tales, creating soundscapes and doing some junk modelling. We will also have Sports Day and the school production.


The homework will continue as last term.

Reading Please read with your child regularly, even if it is just for 5 minutes. It is really important that the children bring their book bags, yellow reading record and their reading book into school every day. When reading with your child please acknowledge the fact that the book has been read by signing and dating in the comments book, or you may like to add a positive or helpful comment in the reading diary. We will change their books when appropriate.
Spelling Spelling homework involves an activity sheet that will be sent home every other week. Please can your child complete and bring back the following Tuesday. High frequency words should be read spelt correctly by the end of year 2. Year 1 need to continue to practice their phonic sounds. It will be helpful for children to use There are lots of games to play which support phonics learning e.g. The Obb and Bob game.
Maths Please complete the maths homework – sent home every other week in maths books. Year 2 - Times tables – please support your child to learn their x10, x2 x5, x3 times tables so that they know them off by heart, backwards, and at any point can tell you the answer e.g. 6 x 5 =

Key questions to ask your child at home:

  • Can you name parts of a castle? What were the different parts used for?
  • What facts have you learnt about the Queen? Which was the most interesting? Why?
  • Which is your favourite fairy tale? Why? Can you write your own fairy tale?
  • What might you find on the coast? How do different coastlines differ?

Learning Map

Useful Websites

Topic Websites


  • Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle, a sun hat and their book bags each day.
  • Can the children please always have a coat in school particularly as the British weather is unpredictable.
  • PE kits should be in all week.
  • Wellington Boots – Please can all children have a set of Wellies in school at all times, this is so we can use the field and outside areas when it is wet and muddy. All in one waterproof suits are essential too.
  • Share Learning – if the children would like to share something from home with the class, it needs to be linked to the topic and their learning in school.
  • Cursive Script – please can you encourage your child to write with joined up handwriting like this newsletter! They are learning this in school.

Please do not hesitate to come and speak to me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support,
Mrs Woods