Beech Newsletter Term 6 – ‘Rolling Through the Stone Age’

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Dear Parents,

Welcome back, I hope everybody had a great half term break. This term we are beginning an exciting new topic – Rolling Through the Stone Age! We will learn history skills and will be using these to find out about past lives and compare them with how we live now. Alongside this, we will be enjoying the natural environment through our science enquiries and our art and design projects.

Some of the key texts we will be using for our learning are:

The learning map attached to this newsletter outlines the areas we will be looking at and some of the work we will be doing in teacher-focussed activities and group work. We are also placing an emphasis on continuing to learn times tables through maths sessions and at home.


During this term, we will be spending lots of time talking about our transitions to new classes in September and making relationships with peers and staff.

During the first few weeks of term, Year 1 will be joining with Reception children to do a series of Forest School sessions on Wednesday afternoons, so that they can begin to get to know the new members of their class for September. As the term goes on, there will be a series of class swaps and meetings with new teachers so that the children are happy and confident about their changes in September. If you have any questions regarding transition, please come and see us.

Phonics Screening

During the week of the 10 June, Year 1 children will be completing the Government’s statutory Phonics Screen Check. If Year 2 children did not meet the expected standard at the end of last year, they will also be completing this check. These checks will be carried out by the class teacher in a calm environment on a 1:1 basis. The expected score will be announced by the Government once all children have completed the check and results will be included as part of your child’s end of year report.

Home Learning



Please read with your child at least three times a week, even if it is just for 5 minutes. When reading with your child, please acknowledge the fact that the book has been read by signing and dating in the reading record book.


During reading sessions, please discuss the story with your child and ask them questions about what they are reading. These questions will help to develop their understanding of what they are reading as comprehension and discussion are key reading skills in Year 1 and 2.

Books can be changed at the trolley in the learning zone at any time.

Don’t forget that every child who reads three times in a week gets a special entry into the prize draw to win a book in the Friday Celebration Assemblies.


Spellings and homework

Thank you for your continued support with homework. This really is a great way for you to consolidate learning in class and a chance for you to share in your child’s learning.

Spellings will be given out each week – Please practise these words with your child at home in their spelling book. These will then be tested on a Thursday in school and scores will be written in the book at the end of the week for you to see.



Please can children continue to learn their times tables at home.

Year 1 children should be learning 10x, 2x and 5x tables

When secure with the 2x, 5x and 10x tables, children should be moving onto 3x and 4x tables

BBC Bitesize website has links to times tables songs that children can learn.

Purple Mash Times Tables Games

Search for ‘speed tests’ and then choose the one that you would like to practise.

Useful Websites to Support Learning


  • Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle and their book bag each day.
  • Can the children please always have a coat in school as the weather can be unpredictable.
  • Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays but PE kits should be in all week.

 Key Questions

  • Can you recite your x2, x5, x10 times tables?
  • How did people get food in the Stone Age?
  • Where did they live?
  • How did they keep warm?
  • What did Stone Age people wear?
  • When was the Stone Age?

We hope you all have lovely last term supporting the children in their learning and can see how much they have learnt already. Please do not hesitate to come and speak to us if you have any questions,

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Winchester and Mrs Pattenden

Learning Map