This week, Sycamore went into the forest to continue their project of making bows and arrows. We discussed that, if we were trying to survive the forest, we would need a way of catching some food!
Thanks to Mr Greenwood, Mr Ottaway, Mrs Barnett and Mrs Filkin, all the children managed to make their bow this week, ready for some target practice next week!
While they weren’t busy making bows, with the help of Mrs Taylor, we made some arrows. We cut down some think hazel trees and then used knives to clear all the bark off them. The children then really enjoyed sharpening one end to make it as sharp as possible!
We set up a target on a tree and the children who had finished their bows and arrows had great fun trying to hit the target! This required some real resilience as it was tricky to get the arrows straight! Ria and Helbert spent a long time practising!
Ms James also came along and helped the children take on the slackline across the river! Thanks to some great team work, the children made it along the line and kept (mostly..!) dry!
Next week is Sycamore’s final forest school session of the year – and last one at Chiddingly for the Year 6s!
We will be pulling lots of our new survival skills together in different challenges so any parents who would like to join us would be very welcome!
Thanks again to the parents who came – we are so grateful for your help!