British Values Day 2019

A fun and enriching day was had by all last Friday, as the whole school paused to celebrate and learn about the British Values. It was wonderful to see the children arriving for school in their red, white and blue coloured clothes to represent the Union Jack flag, so thank you for all making such an effort! The children were organised into groups so that Beech and Oak classes worked together and Willow and Sycamore joined up. This meant that our groups could experience all of the workshops that the teachers had planned for the key stages.


We were given four possible topics to debate and each group democratically decided which area to choose. The children were then given the role of putting together all of the arguments for and against the debate so that a real discussion could take place. This then concluded with a free vote to see what the overall decision of the team was. In the assembly, children explained that the topic they chose was to debate whether animals should be kept in zoos and they presented their arguments.

Mutual Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty

We looked at what creates our own personal identities, whether this be our eye colour, a favourite hobby or a belief. The story of ‘It’s OK to be different’ by Todd Parr was used to begin these discussions. We compared them with our friends and spoke about how these differences don’t stop us from being friends or helping and caring for one another. We have to respect the choices of others and that it’s ok to have different opinions!

Rule of Law

With the help of the story ‘Goldilocks, we explored how we need to follow rules to ensure everybody is treated fairly. We looked at what could happen if we break rules and the difference in outcomes when we follow them. During the day, games were played where the rules were forgotten and of course, they ended in chaos! Very quickly, rules were discussed and put into place, making the point that when games are fair and rules are followed, everything is much more enjoyable!

Great Britain

Using Google Earth, we looked at the location of Great Britain and how it is a collection of islands. It was also interesting to see that the Union Jack is made up of all of the flags of the British Isles. Some of the children created their own maps, locating England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. We then found where Chiddingly was within the British Isles and zoomed in on the school from above and could spot the playground and trim trail.


As a result of learning about the British Values, we have already seen the children demonstrating and applying their new knowledge in their classrooms and on the playground. The children really enjoyed learning about what helps create their identity and they now have a renewed respect for themselves as individuals, as well as for their peers and adults both in and out of school.

British Values Statement

Partnership British Values Statement

It is our, and every school's responsibility “to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” At Chiddingly and East Hoathly we promote these values in the following ways:


At the beginning of each year children affirm the school's expectations and the rights and responsibilities associated with these. Every child and staff member abides by these. The children and staff actively engage with each other to create harmonious learning environments where everyone is responsible for the rules.

Both schools have a School Council to which members are voted in each year by their peers. Children write a statement to support their proposal to be their class representative and the children decide who will best represent them. Children understand that a place on the School Council comes with the responsibility of representing their peers' needs and interests.

We encourage children to be leaders throughout the school and we have a number of activities and responsibilities that are undertaken by the children. For example, pupils from Key Stage 2 are peer mediators and play leaders at lunch and play times. They have specific timeslots during which they are on duty and are responsible for encouraging all children to take part at playtime, for example by inviting them into games.

Democracy is taught during assemblies and during class-based PSHE sessions. Children regularly get opportunities to express their views in school through Pupil Voice interviews and questionnaires.

The Rule of Law

Behaviour and safety at Chiddingly and East Hoathly are seen as an absolute priority by the entire school community. Children know what is expected of them, why rules are so important, and what the consequences are if they do not follow them. Children at Chiddingly and East Hoathly are well aware of what an exciting curriculum they have and their sustained excellent behaviour enables them to develop into confident and independent learners.

At Chiddingly and East Hoathly we ensure that children are acutely aware of the responsibilities that come with having rights. Children develop a thorough understanding of personal responsibility and develop independence in managing relationships and behaviour. Through our whole school approach to restorative justice, we enable children to develop the language and strategies to solve conflict and right wrongs.

At Chiddingly and East Hoathly we offer a range of exciting opportunities for children to be leaders throughout the school and they understand that the rules they have created for their classes permeate through all activities and events. Children also understand that their behaviour and regard for the rules extends beyond the school itself, such as acting as school ambassadors while on school trips. This understanding means that teachers can organise fascinating school trips secure in the knowledge that children will get the same from them as they do from learning opportunities within school.

Individual Liberty

Chiddingly and East Hoathly are safe places for children and both cultivate an atmosphere in which children can make choices about their school life in a supportive environment.

We educate our pupils to know that they have boundaries within which they may make choices safely, through the provision of a nurturing mind set and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand, and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised on how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and PSHE lessons. Whether it is through choice of challenge, of how they record, or of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices. From the very start of their school life children are encouraged to challenge their personal best by giving them ownership of their own learning. Children regularly have next steps shared with them, whether verbally or with written feedback in books so they know exactly what they can do to progress.

Mutual Respect

The ethos of our schools nurture an understanding of mutual respect and it underpins the engaging and exciting teaching and learning that happens here. School life at Chiddingly and East Hoathly abides by our values that nurture kindness, resilience, honesty and respect. The children and all staff connected to our school understand our values and work in a manner that encourages everyone to achieve to their highest ability. Assemblies regularly cover ‘Respect’, and pupils have been part of discussions related to what this means and how we show it. When a child does well, their achievement is displayed for everyone to learn from their positive attitude and hard work. Learning and effort are highly respected.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

This is achieved through enhancing pupils' understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity. We celebrate and learn about the numerous religious festivals that happen throughout the school year. Children experience influences from all over the world in their classrooms. Our core values ensure children develop respect for the person; developing strong and lasting relationships that enable the community to be strong and cohesive.

Own & British Values Assembly Slides

Royal Wedding Celebration 2018

On Friday 18th May, the Pioneer Federation held a special Celebration Day for the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The children and staff swapped their uniforms for red, white and blue clothing and enjoyed learning lots about our Royal Family and what happens at a wedding. Lots of interesting activities went on in classes.

At lunchtime, the playground was transformed into a royal celebration banquet with a very long table! We all enjoyed sharing lunch together in the sunshine!

Many thanks to all of you who provided cakes for the PFCS bake sale after school. Thanks also to Miss Waterman for decorating the outside area for the party.

British Values Day 2017

On Friday 22nd September, we held a ‘British Values Day’ to promote our core values and enjoy learning about them.

It was great to see so many people dressed in red, white and blue clothing!

The children enjoyed working in their mixed aged house teams and visiting different classes to learn about the values. Each teacher concentrated on a different theme and planned an activity to develop understanding of tolerance, respect, rule of law and democracy. Everyone really enjoyed sharing their learning in the celebration assembly at the end of the day to parents and carers.

A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who entered the ‘Great Chiddingly British Bake Off’! The cakes that were produced were so impressive and many had a red, white and blue theme.

Congratulations to the winners of each category
KS1 Hope, Olly and Daisy Banfield-Giggs
KS2 Seth Taylor
Adults  Rachael Smith and Dylan Braden

A big thank you to all of our pupil governors for judging the competition and to the parents who helped set up the bake sale after school. We managed to raise an amazing £102!