Oak Forest School

Oak Class made some binoculars while at Forest School today, they did this be using masking tape to attach two cardboard tubes together. They then added a piece of string to wear them and used pens to add their own decorations. Using their new binoculars the children set off with a bird ID sheet on the hunt for what birds they may find on the school grounds. They worked their way around the field, scanning the tree tops and the hedges.

They spotted many birds flying high above them as well as lots of footballs in the hedge(!).

One child added a football section to her ID sheet so she could keep track of how many she spotted.

Some children chose to make an apple bird feeder. They did this by pushing as many sunflower seeds into a section of apple as they could, they then selected a branch to hang it from ready for some of the birds that they had been spotting to enjoy. They also enjoyed creating in the mud kitchen, taking it in turns to push their friends in the hammocks, practice the balancing skills on the slack line and tree climbing.

Sycamore Forest School

Four members of the class chose to help to get the fire going so that some water could be boiled ready to make a warm drink. This however turned out to be rather tricky, the children were very good at lighting their piece of cotton wool but the wood was a little damp so it kept going out. This did not put them off, they persevered until they had a successful fire and managed to boil some water. Hot chocolates were then made and enjoyed by the whole class.

There were plenty of muddy creations being made within the mud kitchen. The children gathered up pans and trays of wet sloppy mud they then used grass and other natural materials as decoration before offering the finished meal to their teacher!

Using salt dough some of the class made some animal tracks to take home. They did this by pressing a stone with an animal track onto the salt dough leaving an impression behind.

The class made the most of the two hammocks that were hung up at Forest School today, one was up as a hammock and the other as a swing. Using the one as a swing the class managed to sit themselves into it and wrap it around their legs, this then allowed them to hang upside down like a bat.

Willow Forest School

A few members of the class helped to lay and light the fire. First they laid the fire, making sure to place the larger sticks at the bottom and working their way to smaller sticks at the top. Then using a flint and steel they practiced their striking skills to light a piece of cotton wool. Many found this a little tricky but persevered until they had achieved a flame.

Some children chose to climb trees with a rope and create their own swings. The children continued this creative thinking and made themselves a see-saw using a pallet piece and a branch, it was rather effective.

Using salt dough the class were able to make some animal tracks. They did this by pushing a stone with a track on into the salt dough leaving an impression of the track behind. Some chose to turn the stone over and make an impression of the animal to go with their footprint.

Beech Forest School

Beech Class started the Forest School session today by taking a look at a selection of bones belonging to British wildlife. The bones were then passed round giving the children a chance to take a closer look at each one, how they felt and what the teeth looked like.

A fire was lit to boil water ready for something to keep us warm on this soggy January morning. A few of the children chose to get the cups prepared for a warm hot chocolate, and once the water was ready it was added to the cups and stirred well.

Using empty toilet rolls the children made some bird feeders. They did this by covering the roll in lard and then rolling it in the bird seed, and string was then added so it could be hung up.

There were also two hammocks set up in the trees, one as a hammock and the other as a swing. The children took it in turns to swing each other and laid on their tummies, pretending they were flying.

Forest School Update 12th December

Oak Class set off on a soggy morning for a muddy adventure at Forest school. They squelched their way through the very sticky mud, trying their best not to get stuck and lose a wellie! There were a few stuck wellies but working together we managed to get them free and make our way over the bridge and into the woods.

As it was before Christmas the children had the opportunity to make themselves a Christmas wreath to take home. They started by exploring the woodland to see what natural vegetation they could find to decorate their wreath, they then used secateurs to cut and gather enough holly and ivy for the whole class. With a little adult help they made themselves a loop from willow which they then added the added the vegetation too. They then practiced their threading skills by threading beads onto a piece of string that they added to their wreath.

The children found a large den in the woods that had been created other people. They enjoyed making their way into the den through the one entrance as it involved climbing up into the gap between two large trees making it a great secret base.

We finished Forest School today by making our way back through the mud however this time no wellies were lost. The children made their way through the long grass at the end to help clean as much of the mud off their boots as they could.


Forest School Update 5th December

Sycamore Class set off for a Forest School adventure in the woods, making their way through lots of squelchy muddy puddles. As we arrived at our normal crossing point we were greeted by a flooded ditch meaning that we needed to walk the long way round through the woods. Some of the children pointed out all the beautiful autumn colours of the leaves that covered the woodland floor.

A group of children chose to create a den. First they put up a tarpaulin on the inside to stop the holly from prickling them, they then worked to clear the floor of leaves and built a secret hidden storage area.

Using the tins that they had brought in from home, some of the children made a mini bug hotel. They first used a set of pliers to crimp down the sharp edge of the tin, making it safe. They then packed it with layers of sticks, leaves and moss to make sure there were no gaps, so that it didn’t fall out. They used pens to add some drawing of the bugs to the sides of the tin that they thought may live in their bug hotel.

Some of the class chose to whittle a stick using a knife. They started with a safety talk on knife use before setting off to find the perfect stick for whittling. Once they had their stick they were able to get started, some chose to remove only the bark from their stick whereas others chose to add a point to the end of their stick.

Forest School Update 21st November

Beech Class set off on a chilly morning for a Forest School adventure in the woods. Once in the woods we started with a game of touch eagle eye to help get the children warm. Every time the eagle closed their eyes for the count to 10 the children would have to run in and touch the eagles hand and get back to their hiding spot fast enough to not get caught.

Once warmed up, some children chose to collect as many different fallen leaves as they could find. They then used an ID sheet of leaf shapes to work out what trees they belonged to. They found hazel, sweet chestnut and holly leaves.

Using tins, some of the Class had a go at making a mini bug hotel. They gathered up natural materials like twigs, leaves and moss from the woodland floor and placed them in the tin making sure to pack it in tightly so that it wouldn’t fall out.

There were some very good dens created by the children, some using tarpaulin and others were more natural dens. The group that made their den using a tarpaulin worked well together to hang their tarpaulin over the top of a fallen tree and then used ropes to fix it into place. The more natural dens were created under thicker bushes with pathways cleared of fallen leaves leading up to them.

While at Forest School, Beech Class were lucky enough to experience some snow. The Class ran round with their mouths open and their tongues out trying their best to catch themselves a snowflake!


Forest School Update 15th November

Oak Class got themselves ready and set off for their first ever Forest School adventure in the woods. Along the way they stopped for a moment under a large oak tree and some deer were spotted in the distance. With all the noise and excitement we may have scared them off.

A little further on our journey we came across some mud: “it’s all squelchy” was a comment made by many of the class. Once in the woods we talked as a group about what season we are in and what changes we can see that go with Autumn: “all the leaves are falling”. In small groups the children set off to see if they could find many different leaves to match the leaf outlines on their ID sheet to work out what trees their leaves belonged to.

Some children pushed leaves on the woodland floor into a large pile, then taking it in turns to jump into the pile making sure to shout “cannonball” as they jumped. They were very careful to check the pile before every jump. At one point they found a sweet chestnut shell in their pile of leaves.

Using tins, the children made some mini bug hotels to take home for the insects they have in their gardens. They gathered sticks, leaves, moss and some lichen to fill in the gaps. One child had a rather long stick poking out of the tin, and when asked why they said “to help the bugs crawl in”.

There was plenty of free play and exploring happening in the wood, including making hammocks using tarpaulin to swing in and watching the trees above to making a den to hide in with their class mates. Some children also gave their tree climbing skills a go! Great woodland adventure Oak!

Forest School Update 10th October

Oak Class set off onto the playground with a tub of conkers to have a go at conker rolling, to see who can roll their conker the furthest. This was a little trickier that you might think as many of them found that their conkers bounced and change direction so not going as far as they would have liked.

Some of the class chose to create things using clay. They used their conker as a shell to make a snail and then made the body of the snail from clay. They used paint pens to add decoration to their conker snail shells. Hunting on the ground they found two sticks that they could push into the clay as the eyes. One of the snails that was made had orange stripes added to the body and the child said “I’m making a fire snail”.

Using leaves and some charcoal the class tried doing some leaf rubbing. They did this by placing the leaf under the paper before rubbing the charcoal over the top. They found that this worked best if the leaf was under side up leaving a better impression.

Many of the children were keen to hunt for bugs again. They worked their way around Forest School turning over the logs and having a look underneath: “look a centipede”. They found many worms, slugs, a few centipedes and a beetle. Using magnifying pots the children were able to catch what they had found and take a closer look.

Forest School Update 3rd October

Sitting around the fire circle, Sycamore Class recapped on how to be safe when having a fire. A group of children chose to help set up and light the fire. They did this using a flint to create the spark and used it to light a piece of cotton wool. Once the fire was roaring, a pan of apples and blackberries that had been prepared by another group of children was placed on the fire to cook until soft and they made jam. The children then took it in turns to toast some bread over the fire and they then all had the opportunity to try some. This was a success with many having, more than one piece!

The slack line was put up with no top line to hold onto and instead they were given two long sticks to help them walk along. Sycamore were challenged to see if they could walk alone at first with the sticks but then to try with one stick and eventually no sticks, if they wanted to. It was great to see the perseverance from the children to make it all the way along with no sticks.

There was some very creative den building using tarpaulins and ropes. It was nice to see the teamwork involved as they worked out where in the tree the ropes needed to be tied. They also worked together to tie ropes into the trees and attach logs to the bottom, making a swing.

Forest school was finished with a game of spirit of the forest. The children chose to be a Fox, Deer or a Rabbit. Then when their animal was called by the spirit they had to make it across to the other side of the forest. If they were caught they became a tree with long branches to catch their class mates as they tried to make their way through the forest.

Forest School Update 20th September

Oak Class were very excited for their first session of Forest School as they headed out onto the school grounds and found somewhere to sit around the fire circle. The children learnt the rules for keeping safe around the fire.

A group of children went foraging for blackberries, and once they had collected enough they added a little water and using a large stick they crushed up the blackberries to make paint. Some children added charcoal to their paint to make a different colour to paint with. They then used sticks and leaves to create some beautiful pictures.

As the children explored the Forest School area they came across something: “I found a toad”. Looking at it closer, what they had actually found was a rather large frog. The children watched the frog move and hop across the ground, and as they watched we talked about the markings on the frog and the differences between a frog and a toad. Oak also did lots of bug hunting, carefully placing their findings in magnifying pots so they could take a closer look.

There were all sorts of creations in the mud kitchen. A few of the children made some small mud cakes that were decorated with flowers and leaves. They walked around offering people a cake.

We finished our session with a game of ‘keeper of the keys’. The children took it in turns to be the keeper in the middle, then running as fast as they could to catch their class mate that had just ‘stolen’ the keys. They got so engrossed that a few children did more than one lap of the circle. Great first session Oak Class!

Forest School Update 13th September

Beech Class started their session at Forest School today by sitting around the fire circle: we recapped on the ways to be safe while having a fire. Some children chose to stay and practice their fire lighting skills. They did this by striking a flint and steel to create a spark that would then light a piece of cotton wool, this was rather tricky but a few of the children managed to get a flame. Unfortunately our fire didn’t take and as a class we talked about why the fire was unsuccessful “the wood is wet” and the wood needed to be dry to be able to burn.

There was lots of bug hunting happening and the children found all sorts of creatures hiding under the logs. One Woodlouse that was found was given the name Fred and they even found a few newts. Using bug catchers to collect them. They were then able to look at an ID sheet to help them to identify what they had found “I have a Devils Coachman”.

Some children chose to practice their tool skills. They started by using some secateurs to cut some Hazel, then using a peeler they stripped off all the bark. They then used wool to decorate their sticks by wrapping it round one end before tying it off, some children choosing to try learning a new know called the whipping knot.

We finished our session today with a game or spirit of the forest. The children had to make it from one side of the forest to the other without being caught by the spirit, if they were caught they then became a tree and part of the forest.

Forest School Update 14th June

Beech enjoyed Forest School this week! We made the fire which meant… MARSHMALLOWS! We recapped how to stay safe around a fire and when we were near the fire making our smores. We enjoyed making dens, swinging on the rope swing and playing in the mud kitchen. We also used our knife skills and made some keepsakes to take home.

Forest School Update 10th May

Beech Class enjoyed a range of activities in Forest School the past 2 weeks. Last week, we went to the local forest and did bug hunting, tree climbing and den building. This week we did more pond dipping and found salamanders and dragonfly larvae, as well as building our own wormeries! The children built them a habitat and found some worms to keep in there for the next couple weeks whilst we thought about interesting questions we would like to know about worms. Ask your children what they have learnt about them… I bet they will surprise you with some facts!

Forest School Update 26th April

In Forest School we were looking for the colours in nature and finding what wonderful colours our Earth gives us. We also went pond dipping to explore what lives in the water whilst exploring their habitats linking this to our science topic. Some of us helped to sort the veg patch and planted some vegetables including potatoes.

Forest School Update 9th February

This week Sycamore and Oak Class had a fun filled Forest School together. They made dens, made yummy pizzas and played lots in the mud!

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Mrs Hinder for supporting Forest School sessions over the years. She has been a massive help and will be sorely missed, but we wish her all the best with her new job!

Forest School Update 16th January

Oak Class started their Forest School session today by having a look at a variety of bones belonging to animals from the British countryside. As a group we looked at each one and the children tried to guess what animal they thought it was. With a few clues they managed to work it out. The children then had the chance to hold and take a closer look at the bones, what the teeth looked like and how they felt. There were loads of great questions being asked by the Class as the bones made there way around the circle.

A fire was lit ready to boil some water so that they could enjoy a hot chocolate on this chilly January morning. A few children helped to put the chocolate powder and milk into the cups and gave it a good stir once the hot water was added. These were shared out and enjoyed by all.

There were two hammocks up today at Forest School: one as a hammock and the other as a swing. The children took it in turns to swing each other as high as they could. A few children discovered that you could lie on your tummy, stretching their arms out like they were flying.

Some children chose to make a bird feeder using an empty toilet roll. They did this by covering the roll in lard and then rolling it in bird seed, they then went and found somewhere to hang it ready for the birds to enjoy.

Forest School Update 12th January

This week Sycamore Class had Forest School at the woods. They were looking at animal habitats and how the different areas of the woodland would be homes for different animals e.g. rabbit burrows and the wood peckers in the trees. They also had some free time exploring the woods and den building.

Forest School Update 29th September

Over the last couple of weeks Willow Class have been very busy. One of the highlights has been Forest School. In their first week they got absolutely soaked when the rain came out of nowhere. Everyone had to take cover in one of the dens they had been building. Yesterday they went over to the woods and did some watercolour painting inspired by their surroundings.

Last week we made dens and created work from nature!

Then there was a massive downpour, so we did team building in the hall.

We printed leaves onto cotton by hammering the leaf to copy the print over.

This week we went down the woodland with water colours to paint and free exploration.

Forest School Update 30th June

In the past two sessions of Forest School, Oak and Beech Class have been joining in together as part of their transition. They took part in lots of team building games, including: a water race (filling jugs up and making sure they did not spill the water); making dens for animals and working in teams to find where they were hiding; working together in the mud kitchen (the Year 1s did a great job of helping Reception!); and various other activities that enabled them to spend time together.

A massive thank you to Miss Waterman and all her lovely volunteers for this year’s amazing Forest School sessions!

Forest School Update 19th May

Willow Class had their last week of Forest School. They had a brilliant time at the woodland taking part in free exploration, making camps and climbing trees. They also looked at different species: counting them; identifying them; and comparing them in the woods to the field.

Thank you, as always, to Miss Waterman and the team of volunteers for a lovely term of Forest School sessions.

Forest School Update 12th May

This week Willow Class made yummy pizzas and cooked them on the fire in Forest School. They also made some lovely weavings by using two sticks and wool and weaved things like flowers and leaves into it. They also had a chance to use the slack line by using a friend to help them balance and work as a team.

Forest School Update 5th May

Last week Willow Class made some amazing Greek theatre masks using clay. They also sowed some more carrots, helped add some woodchip to a pathway, did some much needed weeding and explored different colours using mud, fruit, food colouring etc.

Forest School Update 28th April

Willow Class have Forest School this term and had their first session this week. They cleared the pond from duck weed and found water spiders, tadpoles, snails and dragonfly larvae. They also made swings and a camp called ‘ugg house’ and worked so well in teams! They then planted snap peas in the garden area. They finished the session with toasting marshmallows and making smores.

Beech Class Forest School

Over the past two weeks Beech Class have enjoyed Forest School sessions. In the first session they explored the mud kitchen and water station, went bug hunting, toasted some marshmallows and did some den building.

In the second session they were looking at the life cycle of a frog. They looked at habitats and actual frog spawn! They also made a frog and blew it across the table with a straw to see how far it went. During this sessions they had the opportunity to make bird feeders out of lard and bird seed, and plant some beetroot, carrots and radish in pots.

Forest School Update 16th December

Willow Class have had an amazing term of Forest School sessions. Last week they went on a field trip and studied the local area: creating maps and walking through jubilee field to study what is in our local area. This week they played games in the hall, made Christmas trees with pine ones, toasted marshmallows on tea lights and had hot chocolate and biscuits.

As always thank you to our Forest School volunteers and Miss Waterman for some brilliant sessions this term.

Forest School Update 25th November

Last week, Willow Class took part in more first aid learning and completed their robots. They also did some art: printing (repeat patterns) and wrapping coloured string around sticks. They had an opportunity to do free exploration outside and got very messy with mud sliding and climbing trees!

Forest School Update 18th November

Willow Class built robots, using wood and various tools, e.g. drills, screws, hammers, etc. They also decorate jam jars with tissue paper and weaved decorations using wool and sticks. Unfortunately, we couldn’t go outside as the Forest School area was flooded.

Lastly, a big thank you to Katie Samson for teaching first aid to the children (CPR, recovery position, bandages, etc.). Willow Class will get another chance to learn first aid skills next week.

Forest School Update 11th November

Willow Class started their term sessions of Forest School lessons last week. They looked at different patterns found in nature e.g. leaves, petals, etc. They then recreated the patterns on the hall floor. They finished their session exploring the forest school area: playing in the mud kitchen and den building.

Forest School Update 14th October

This week Sycamore Class had a craft afternoon in the hall for Forest School. They made a wide range of things, including lanterns by covering jam jars with colourful paper tissue. They also rolled out clay and made it into a bowl shape to then print with leaves. They did some weaving with yarn and sticks. They made ‘autumn scenes’ with acorns (as the mouse) and sticks and acorn caps (for the mushrooms). Lastly, they drilled holes in conkers and used string to play the game ‘conkers’.

Please note that there will not be a Forest School session in the last week of term (20th October) and so children should come into school wearing school uniform. We would like to say a massive thank you to Miss Waterman for arranging all of this term’s activities and also to the parents who regularly volunteer to help.

Forest School Update 16th September

This term it’s Sycamore’s turn to have Forest School sessions. This week they got the opportunity to: work with the tools; do some digging and weeding in the vegetable garden; use the saws on branches to get wood for the fire; build dens; pond dip; cut the hedge around the pond area using secateurs; and make mud pies and cakes. The afternoon was so nice and calm with everyone working really well together as a team.

Forest School Update 20th July

Last week Oak and Beech had a fantastic Forest School lesson at the woodland. They did exploratory play, made stick towers, climbed trees, made dens, did a scavenger hunt, and looked for different textures and nature around us.

A massive thank you to Miss Waterman and all the Forest School volunteers for delivering such lovely lessons this academic year!

Forest School Update 1st July

Oak and Beech continued to have Forest School together this week. The session was focussed on the senses. The main activity was being blindfolded and having to follow the rope: describing what they hear and feel. They also did a scavenger hunt, bug hunting, den building and pond dipping.

Forest School Update 17th June

Oak and Beech Class are having Forest School sessions together this term. This week they spent half the time outside and half the time inside (too avoid overheating!). Whilst outside they took part in lots of activities including hammering their initials into wood, using the new electrical screw drivers, pond dipping and bug hunting!

Forest School Update 20th May

Last week, Willow Class had their last Forest School session for the term. They did various activities in the lovely sunshine, including: pond dipping (they found newts, beetles and Arthur’s shoe!), planting the beans that they started to grow at home, leaf printing, whittling and den building. Thank you again to Miss Waterman and all the parent helpers for a lovely term of Forest School sessions!

Forest School Update 13th May

Willow Class took a lovely walk to the woods this week. They went through the woods following the footpath and even went as far as the cricket field! They made journey sticks, so they collected all kinds of things from the floor (including dead leaves/wild flowers) to mark the sticks with and tell the story of their walk. Once they got to the cricket field some children played rounders, some made paper fortune tellers and gave themselves different actions based on nature e.g. hop like a rabbit, whilst other children just took in all the beautiful scenery and nature.

Forest School Update 29th April

What an action-packed Forest School Willow Class had this week! Some children helped Lucas’ mum to plant the potatoes and do some weeding in the beds. There were also some children playing in the mud kitchen, some practicing their sawing and hammering skills, some making spears and Luna even took part in treasure hunting!

The main event has to be the re-enactment of the Romans vs. Celts! Holly was even role playing as Boudicca.

Forest School Update 22nd April

Willow Class started their Forest School sessions for Term 5 last week and they had a brilliant time in the sunshine! They explored the Forest School area: using swings; building dens; building a fire and making smores; using the mud kitchen; playing with the water wall; creating mosaic patterns by using leaves and petals; and making diamond patterns using colourful string and twigs. What a jam-packed Forest School session of free play and exploration —thank you to Miss Waterman and all the parent volunteers!

Forest School Update 25th March

This week’s Forest School was a relaxing session in the sun! Oak and Sycamore Class took part in lots of lovely activities, including water colour paintings of spring flowers and making the green man using clay. They also used tin cans to make flower pots for Mother’s Day. They did lots of free exploration/play and some den building too.

Forest School Update 18th March

Sycamore Class did survival/assault courses where they had to climb over pallets, use balancing rope and crawl through tyres. They had to use effective teamwork skills and also leadership skills when assisting Oak Class children through the course. Oak Class made butterflies using sticks and leaves and had free exploration in the mud kitchen and water station.

Forest School Update 11th March

Oak and Sycamore are having a combined Forest School this term. What a lovely day for a forest school session this week! This week they started the session with some races for team building. They then collected all the branches that had fallen from the previous storm—we now have a rather large fire log store!

Sycamore’s task was to create stretchers for an ‘injured’ patient using branches and rope or tarpaulin. They also worked so well with their buddies and encouraging them to use the mud kitchen. Oak’s task was to find leaves on the ground and use them to make leave prints of the Hungry Caterpillar. They ended the session toasting marshmallows and eating smores.

Forest School Update 4th February

This week, Sycamore Class were super busy! They toasted bread on the fire and made toffee apples (they peeled the apples, cooked them and caramelised sugar to dip the apples into). They also tried to make forks using stick but this proved to be trickier than imagined! They continued with their hard work on clearing weeds in the pond and it is now looking amazing, so thank you to Sycamore, the parent helpers and Miss Waterman for a fantastic job! Lastly, they also spent the session climbing trees, using the zip line and playing tug of war.

Forest School Update 28th January

Last week, we started clearing the pond, as the plants are too much for the area. The children pulled the weeds to the side of the pond so the creatures can crawl back to the water. We found spiders and a frog.

We also looked around to see what habitats we could find in the school field and what was the difference between the wood and the field. We found evidence of birds, fox tracks, rabbit poo and mole hills. Then to finish the session off, we had cups of tea, marshmallows and smores and free exploration.

Forest School Update 24th January

Sycamore Class went to the woods this week in Forest School. They went exploring in groups, looking for evidence of different animals and their habitats. They found a badger set, a foxes den, rabbit barrows and a squirrel dray. They found the footprints of deer and foxes. They also saw lots of birds in the trees, including woodpecker holes in the trees. They tried using other senses too, so they did some listening and heard different birds. Amongst the birds they heard and saw were buzzards, crows, pigeons and robins. They finished the session with free exploration and play.

Forest School Update 14th January

Sycamore Class had their first Forest School session of the term. They did several activities including: fire lighting, making pizzas with pitta bread and cooking on the fire, whittling with knives and gloves (to take off the bark), rope swings, den making and climbing trees.

Forest School Update 26th November

Beech Class have been reading Hike by Pete Oswald and so they decided to take a hike to the woodland in Forest School. Once there, they collected foliage off the forest floor, including different shaped/coloured leaves. They walked across bridges, ducked under fallen trees and had free exploration of the woodland. They then hiked back to school and wrote all about what they’d seen and done on their hike.


Forest School Update 19th November

This week Beech Class got Christmas-creative in Forest School! They had a whole carousel of crafting activities to take part in: printing leaves in a snowy scene, making reindeers/Christmas trees using sticks, making Christmas trees with pine cones (using yarn and 3D enamel paint for the tinsel!), filling their jam jars with greenery and painting discs to make snowmen! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Forest School Update 12th November

This week Beech Class did some fire lighting (using cotton wool and flints), making dens, investigating different habitats for woodlice (cold/warm, wet/dry), making poppies using sticks and wool, leaf printing in autumn colours and roasting marshmallows on the fire.

Forest School Update 5th November

Beech Class are having Forest School sessions this term and this week they did some den making (tepees), used rope swings to stand or sit on and pushed each other on them, played in the mud kitchen and also had some free exploration and play. The main focus of the session was to look at mini beast habitats and they went bug hunting! They did some excellent drawings for their Science lessons to go alongside this. They looked for bugs under the fire pit, in the garden and under the wood chip area but they discovered the most successful place for bugs to live in were the bug houses and under rotting pieces of wood.

Forest School Update 22nd October

For Willow’s last week of Forest School, they were given the challenge of making a den/shelter in order to help ‘survive’ in the woods. They had to really think about the location of their dens in case they were too close to the water for flooding but then they needed to be close to a stream to have water for survival. They did a fantastic job and really thought about what materials to use and what kind of structure to make.

A big thank you to all our parent volunteers and Miss Waterman for a fantastic term of Forest School!

“I enjoyed putting the logs together for our shelter and working as a team” Josie

“Me and Maizie worked hard on our shelters—we put leaves and twigs on the holes.” Poppy

“In my group’s shelter, we used massive logs and laid them on a huge fallen tree to start our shelter.” Owen & Dexter

“Me and my team made a little fire and chairs for our shelter.” Luna

Forest School Update 15th October

This week in Forest School Willow Class made autumn landscapes, using leaf printing. They made Christmas crafts (decorated jam jars), played with the hammocks and rope swings and drank some yummy hot chocolate with marshmallows. A big thank you to our lovely volunteers!

Forest School Update 8th October

This week’s Forest School consisted of free exploration where: we built dens, using willow to weave in and out on the sides; Sophie created a dream catcher using feathers and lots of other natural resources; we played on the rope swings; and we finished making our weapons and tools from last week.

School Pond

Chiddingly school pond has been developed over the last two years to provide a large natural habitat where children can learn about wildlife safely. Our pond contains many plants and wildlife including rare Great Crested Newts and we believe that not only should we be doing everything to help preserve these beautiful creatures but our pupils should be given every opportunity to learn about them. The pond area also includes our large outdoor classroom which has been specially built to provide outdoor learning in any capacity.

Forest School Update 17th September

This week, Willow Class had a fun-filled, explorative Forest School session! The whole session was free play and they also dug some carrots up from the garden, washed them and had a taste! A big thank you to all our parent volunteers and Mrs Waterman for another fantastic Forest School session!

Forest School Update 16th July

Beech Class had a thoroughly enjoyable Forest School session this week. They did so many free play activities, there are just too many photos to fit on just one page so we chose a few of our favourites, including the Olympic games!

Forest School Update 9th July

This week, Oak and Beech Class created Olympic Stadiums in Forest School! They also did some pond dipping (Sophie found a massive slug!), beautiful art work using natural media, and some more hammering of nails into woodwork.

A big thanks to the PFCS for the donation of the enamel mugs! The children enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate in the new mugs!

Forest School Update 2nd July

This week in Forest School, the children went pond dipping and found newts and dragonfly larvae. They also found a frog and some worms! The children started to make the scarecrows for the Chiddingly Scarecrow Trail, created some woodwork pieces (hammered nails into wood and used thread to make their initials), and created a home for bugs. They also had the slack line out, did some den building, and some gardening (planted some vegetables and sampled some snap peas)! A big thank you to Miss Waterman and all our volunteers.

Forest School Update 25th June

Oak and Beech had a fun-filled Forest School session this week in the beautiful sunshine! They did lots of activities, including playing ‘spirits of the forest’. This is a game where Mrs Vile and Miss Boswell were the spirits and they were trying to change the ‘animals’ into trees!

Forest School Update 18th June

Oak and Beech had a wonderful time in Forest School this week. They spent time in the garden planting sweetcorn and repotting pumpkins, went pond dipping, played with the mud kitchen (and got VERY muddy!), balanced on the slack line, made head pieces with leaves and bracken, and even found a frog! Thank you to Miss Waterman and all our volunteers for an excellent session.

Forest School Update 21st May

Forest School this week was so much fun! The children did some more pond dipping and found lots more newts! Our tadpoles are really thriving in our little pond too! You can see Olivia, Skyler and Archie having a look in the photo below!

Willow Class did some seed sowing, they planted radishes and beetroot. They also de-headed some daffodils and planted some poppys!

The children did some mud painting and added food colouring to the mud to see the different colours the mud turned. They made their own paintbrushes using sticks and grass! The paintings looked amazing!

Willow Class made candle holders using string and glass jars. They also did some woodwork using nails and string!

The Class also did all the usual fun Forest School activities like den building, free exploring and bug hunting! Great Forest School again!

Forest School Update 14th May

This week Willow had a turn at Forest School and what a fantastic afternoon it was! Despite the rain in the morning, the weather stayed dry in the afternoon and the children were able to do lots of different activities.

The children did some pond dipping and found crested newts, dragonfly larvae, diving beetles and all manner of creepy crawlies! Take a look at our pictures of Jacinda and Olivia pond dipping.

Pixie and Grace had fun making mud cakes and drinks from the mud kitchen!

The children enjoyed woodwork and made their names using saws and hammers. Owen did a great piece of woodwork and you can see it in the picture below!

Maizie and Molly did some bug hunting and found some more creepy crawlies!

Sophia, Amelie, Luna and Pixie did some gardening with one of our volunteers. They built some wigwams for the beans to grow up!

Alongside all this, the children also built dens and did a variety of games at the beginning of the after-noon. A great time was had by all. As ever, a huge thank you to all the lovely volunteers who help out at Forest School.

Forest School Update 7th May

This week Sycamore concentrated on map reading. They were all given a map to follow and each time they reached a certain point, they were given a task each time. The tasks involved things like code breaking, matching different trees and footprints to animals.

The fastest team were Isobel, Lacey and Casey!

In second place with the number of correct questions answered were Katie, Sienna and Chloe with 47 points!

In first place were Hope and Olivia with 48 points!

Well done to you all!

The session was finished off with hot chocolate and marshmallows with biscuits!

Forest School Update 26th March

In Forest School this week the children experimented with water bottles! They cut them in half and put a dish cloth material over the end which was cut. Then they dipped it in water and washing up liquid to make bubbles! They had lots of fun chasing the bubbles! The children had toasted marshmallows and toast with lots of different toppings! Chloe Hewitt in Beech said ‘Best Forest School ever with marshmal-lows and toast!’ The children where also really helpful with moving some tadpoles from a small tank into a bigger tank. They found rocks and logs and scooped water out from the small pond for the bigger tank. They then spent lots of time observing the tadpoles and seeing it they had legs which would mean they had turned into froglets! They also spent some time digging for treasure! A great Forest School after-noon all round!

Forest School Update 19th March

Forest School was so much fun this week! Oak and Beech Class did some pond dipping to try and find newts. They found lots of frog spawn! They also did some bug hunting, which mostly found worms. Some of the children are really brave at handling worms! The children also did some den building and built a huge spider web which they had fun crawling over and underneath! The children did some bark rubbings and also drew on the bark using chalk. They dud in the mud and also climbed trees! A fire was built and the children were able to enjoy some smores to finish off the session!

Forest School Update 12th March

Oak and Beech were very excited about their Forest School session this week. The started off their session becoming the wind and leaves whilst moving around the field… it was a very windy afternoon! Then they took part in a Forest School style relay race! When they went into the hall they had a look at some frog and toad spawn and made life cycles, used clay and branches to make sculptures and even minibeasts!

Forest School Update 11th December

This was the last forest school of the term before Christmas. Willow enjoyed the treasure hunt around the fields! They had to search for clues which then led them to other clues and a prize of Haribo sweets at the end!

They also enjoyed creating and making Christmas crafts using twigs, cardboard and string. They made bunches using Christmas tree, Holly and Ivy, wrapped with a ribbon. They looked great!

The children then finished of the garden area as a big group and it looks really good!

A big thank you to Archie P, Jacinda, Skyler, Arthur and Kalian for giving up their lunchtime to make a start on the garden area. They really helped to speed the process along and did a brilliant job! Thank you!

Forest School Update 4th December

Today in forest school we did arts and crafts in the hall as it was dreadful weather!

We got a black piece of card, covered that with glue and created a pattern with string then we put tin foil over it. Then we put our fingers around it to cause a dent showing the pattern. We then used sharpies to colours them in!

We did a picture of trees where we used masking tape then we used water colours to create the background. After that, we pulled off the masking tape to reveal the trees! We painted on leaves with poster paint using green, yellow, red and brown.

Lastly, we could make snowflakes by folding paper and cutting into it.

Written by Owen and Archie P


Forest School Update 27th November

This week in Forest School Willow started to get the paths ready for the huge pile of woodchip which was very kindly donated to us by Josh Penrose. The children spent time scraping out the path so it was free of weeds. Archie S did a grand job of revamping the little garden – well done Archie! The children had hot chocolates and toffee apples which they thoroughly enjoyed!

Willow Class also used tools during Forest School to make jigsaws. They cut pieces of wood, drew pictures on them and then cut different shapes out to create a jigsaw!

Forest School Update 20th November

This week Willow absolutely loved Forest School! The children went down to the woods and did some free explor-ing.
They also spent some time making dens and playing ‘dogs out of logs’, where they used logs as dogs and took them for walks! The children also did some climbing and playing in the wood.

They were set a challenge to build a bridges with the volunteers and staff in groups. They had to be able to bal-ance a bottle or a log on the bridge, be able to move underneath it and also had to be able to sit on the bridge. All the groups succeeded and had a brilliant time!

Forest School Update 13th November

This week Willow thoroughly enjoyed Forest School! We were on the school site today enjoying a huge variety of activities! From gardening and crafts to building dens and toasting marsh mellows on the fire!

The children explored the wide variety of leaves that can be found on the school playing field. They collected as many different leaves as they could from different varieties of trees – they found loads! This highlighted how many different types of trees they can find in your local area (linking brilliantly to our topic!). Later they used leaves to create some beautiful, colourful art pieces! Some children helped to lovingly plant bulbs in the nature garden, ready for spring! Children also had the opportunity to go on a bug hunt – even a newt was found! They made impressive, well thought through dens and toasted marsh mellows on the fire!

Forest School Update 23rd October

This week the children were really lucky and treated to a treasure hunt! Clues had to be followed which ultimately led to a prize for each child! The children made pizzas and roasted smores over the fire. They also had some free play and exploring time, which involved making dens and climbing trees.

We have had a really successful first term of Forest School and we think the children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers who have helped with Forest School and Miss Waterman for running them!

Forest School Update 16th October

The weather was much better this week which we were really pleased about! In this weeks forest school we focused on wellbeing. This meant a lot of our activities were linked to being calm and reflecting. We finished our clay leaf prints which we painted with sponges and acrylic paint. We made dream catchers using hazel twigs, feather and leaves. They look amazing! We did some gardening and free exploring. We also did spent some time quietly to reflect and think about wellbeing day.

Forest School Update 9th October

In Thursdays session we did lots of craft making; leaf printing in clay, turned them into a bowl shape for putting keys, money or any small bits and bobs.

We also did some art using string and white paint and this gave everyone different pictures.

The children made clay garden cane tops and made various animals; snakes, snails, dogs, tortoise’s and bugs.

The children also had free exploring play in the top field and played team games.

Forest School Update 2nd October

This week we were lucky with the weather and Sycamore had a great day exploring. Some made dens using ropes, tarps and long branches. Then some boys decided to make a rope swing and a zip line which they had great time on. We had the slack line up for children, they had to work as a team to get across it. They also did leaf printing and willow weaving making hearts.

Last of all the children made toffee apples cooked over the fire, then dipped in sugar and then heated to make the sugar turn to brown. Then they had to wait for the toffee to harden and to cool. The children loved it and of course we had smores too!

A big thank you to the volunteers who helped this week at Forest School.

Forest School Update 18th September

Sycamore enjoyed their first Forest School of the year yesterday and were improving the grounds of the school: digging, cutting, planting and weeding. They were rewarded with marshmallows round the fire. Thank you to Miss Waterman and her team of amazing helpers for this opportunity!


Forest School Update 13th March

This week in Forest School, the woodland was very wet and windy so unfortunately Sycamore Class could not venture over there. Instead, Miss Waterman planned lots of brilliant craft activities and they also had an opportunity to take part in team building games! The team building game they played meant they had to be blindfolded and were only able to get instructions from the person who wasn’t blindfolded through hand signals! It meant that they had to trust each other and work as a team to move around!

Forest School Update 6th March

This term, Sycamore Class will be doing Forest School and it was their first session on Wednesday. They have been learning about survival all week and so their Forest School session tied in with this.

The children took part in lots of fun activities, including an assault course where they got extremely wet and muddy, building dens and making smores on the fire.

Forest School Update 14th February

Beech Class painted their clay dinosaurs this week, before going out to the fire to toast marshmallows and drink tea and hot chocolate with cream!

The class have previously been doing experiments with growing seeds in the classroom, so in Forest School they planted their seeds into pots to take home.

Later, they had free exploration, built dens, made some bark rubbings and did free drawings of trees.

What Beech Class Thought of Forest School

“Forest School was fun, exciting and amazing. It made Wednesdays way better.” Luna

“I liked that we got to choose different activities and ones that we’ve never done before!” Amelie

“I liked making the dens, making the sticks for marshmallows and cooking them on the fire!” Ethan

“I enjoyed everything but I didn’t like when my camp came down!” Poppy

“The whittling the sticks and roasting marshmallows was good.” Lucas

“Painting the dinosaurs was cool!” Rebecca

“I liked playing in the fort.” Elijah T

Forest School Update 7th February

This week in Forest School, Beech Class made pancakes on the fire! They also made dinosaurs out of clay, did some free play and den building, made swamp lands for the dinosaurs and did a bit of investigating amongst the fallen leaves and twigs (they tried to figure out what trees we have near our field). A big thank you to Miss Waterman for providing such lovely activities again!

Forest School Update 31st January

Beech Class were extremely busy in Forest School this week! They made ‘dinosaur lands’ with mud for the swamps, twigs as the trees, conkers for the pathways, streams using foil and bark as the caves. They also did some whittling with sticks (in order to toast marshmallows), built dens, had free exploration, went minibeast hunting (they found some newts) AND made fat balls for the birds! Such a busy but fun session!

Also, thank you to Emily and Ed Gingell for donating the logs for seats!

Forest School Update 24th January

This Wednesday, Beech Class had a lovely wet and muddy trip down to the woods for Forest School. They pretended to be dinosaurs, stomping through the swamps! It was great fun! They then had time to have free exploration play.

A little bit later, they played a game where the carnivorous dinosaurs ‘hunted’ the herbivores, in other words they played ‘hide and seek’. They then made the skeletons of a T-rex and a brontosaurus using sticks.

A big thank you to Miss Waterman, Katie, Marion and Louise.

Forest School Update 11th October

This week, Willow Class made their very own bows and arrows, like they might have done in the Tudor times! They also made a bug house with sticks, cones, straws, leaves, etc. before tidying up the little pond area in the garden. They then made mud faces and had free exploration time.

Willow Class ended the session with some smores and hot chocolate by the fire. It was a lovely but windy day, so Miss Waterman had a bit of trouble lighting the fire initially!

A big thank you to Miss Waterman for all her planning and all the volunteers again for their help and support.

Forest School Update 4th October

This week, Willow Class used their cooking skills in Forest School. They made bread from scratch and cooked it on the fire. They even made the skewers that they used for this! They also picked some apples, peeled and chopped them, then added sugar to make toffee apples!

After this, they did some free exploration, made paint brushes, printed leaves, built dens, walked on the slack line and did some whittling (using various tools to do so).

A big thank you to Sienna’s mum, Callum’s dad, Mrs Champion and Mrs Thompson for help this week!

Forest School Update 18th October

This week, Willow Class did various team building games and exercises in the woodland. The first game they played, they had to balance bamboo sticks on their fingers in groups and gradually lower it down to the floor. It was quite tricky but they managed to do it!

The next game they played, they worked in pairs. One child was blindfolded and the other was their ‘protector’. Mrs Champion made a noise and the blindfolded child had to move towards the sound. The ‘protector’ had to make sure their partner was safe from tripping or bumping into anything!

The children then had free exploration. Some children did role playing, some built dens and others went bug hunting and made bug ‘hotels’.

The last activity of the day was a group team building task again. In groups, children had to work together to build secure and safe nests. Miss Waterman tested the nests by dropping an egg into it. All the nest were brilliantly made as none of eggs broke!

The whole class worked so well together!

Forest School Update 27th September

Willow Class braved the wet weather this week and took a trip to the woods for Forest School. They played conkers, made patterns with various materials that they could find in the woods, built dens and made some crowns using twigs, bracken and leaves. They were making themselves into Tudor queens and kings!

A thank you to Becca, Marion, Katie, Louise and Mrs Thompson for helping out!


Forest School Update 20th September

This week, Willow Class had their first Forest School session of the term. They spent the first part of it foraging in the woods trying to see what they can find at this time of the year. They found: hazelnuts, sweet chestnuts, blackberries, mushrooms and acorns. They could not find any conkers so decided it must be too early in the year! This linked with their learning about the Tudors, as they discussed what the Tudors would have found and what they would have used all these things for e.g. to dye their clothes perhaps! They will be using some of these items to make art next week. They then spent the rest of the time free to explore the woods and play!

Thank you to Miss Waterman and all the volunteers for a brilliant start to Forest School this year!

Forest School Update 21st June

It was the last session of Forest School this week and Year R and 1 had a brilliant time! They were painting using nature, drawing pictures, creating grass/leaf patterns, playing with slime/sand, making artwork on the trees using mud as glue, playing in the puddles, climbing trees and having a water relay race! A big thank you to Miss Waterman for her fantastic Forest School lessons this academic year. The children have learnt so much and we look forward to what she has planned next year!

Forest School Update 14th June

This week in Forest School, Reception and Year 1 had a ‘messy’ session outside! They took part in different sensory play activities and games, including playing with slime, muddy puddles and wet sand! They used the wet sand to build some very creative things.

Miss Waterman also set them up with a task of getting water balloons from one end to another by throwing and catching them! Fun was had by all and a big thank you to the volunteers Katie, Sam and Louise, as they didn’t mind getting wet and muddy!

Forest School Update 7th June

On Wednesday, Reception and Year 1 had a Forest School session together to get to know each other better and to help Reception Class with their transition into Beech Class next year. They started off in a circle and played ‘get to know each other’ games. Reception then paired up with a Year 1 buddy and went exploring in the woods.

They also built a bridge, built dens and played hide and seek! Lots of fun was had by all. They are now looking forward to 3 more sessions of Forest School together this term.

A big thank you to all the helpers and Miss Waterman for planning another great session!

Forest School Update 22nd May

Oak Class went on a scavenger hunt, finding lots of different things in the woods from their list e.g. pine cones, flowers, etc. They were told to think about what they could hear, see and feel and got to explore different things in the woodland e.g. the moss and bark. They were then able to explore the woods how they wanted to and decided to build dens and do some explorative digging! Skooter said, ‘My favourite bit was the see-saw and taking it in turns!’ Jesse said, ‘I enjoyed make a big den!’

Forest School Update 17th May

This Wednesday, Oak Class did so many different activities! They were shown how to light the fire using flints and how to put it out again with water. Before they put the fire out though, they got to have a tasty treat and toasted some marshmallows!

After this, they did some mud painting, tree bark rubbing, pond dipping (they found all kinds of bugs!), tree climbing AND they played sleeping lions and tried to listen to what sounds were in the forest. What a brilliant fun-filled session!

A massive thank you to Miss Waterman, Sam Hinder, Katie Samson, Louise Champion and Jesse’s gran.

Forest School Update 8th May

On Wednesday 8th May, Oak Class had Forest School inside, to start with, because the weather was very wet! They made stick crowns, painted pebbles and made jewellery by using the hand drill! They then went outside to play some games, once the weather had brightened up. They played the ‘Bat and Moth’ game again, as it is a favourite!

A big thank you to Mrs Robins, Mrs Champion and Mrs Hinder for helping out!

Forest School Update 3rd May

On Wednesday 1st May, Oak Class had their first Forest School session! They had such a brilliant time exploring and playing in the woods. They spent the afternoon hunting for different kinds of bugs and mini-beasts!

Whilst in the woods, they played ‘Bat and Moth’. One person was blindfolded and acted as the bat. Whilst being surrounded by the ‘trees’ they had to use their hearing to listen out really carefully and ‘catch’ the moth!

The children also made bug artwork out of different woodland materials e.g. leaves and sticks.

Thank you Miss Waterman for a lovely afternoon!

Forest School Update 5th April

In Forest School this week, Willow Class made sculptures, using materials in the woodland.

Verity made a 3D picture of a bird’s nest. Some other children made a sculpture of the den, whilst Jack, Neo, Sebastian and William made a fantastic structure which can be seen below.

Willow Class have had a brilliant term of Forest School sessions. A big thank you to Miss Waterman and all the volunteers.

Forest School Update 29th March

This week, Willow Class were using their Detective Find-It learning powers effectively in Forest School. They started the session off by pond dipping and found great crested newts, snails, other newts and even dragon fly larvae! They then went onto measure the heights of trees using various different methods. They also tried to work out how old the trees were by counting how many hands they could get around the tree (using the same hand each time!) and then measuring their hands and calculating the circumference from this.

Later on, they were allowed ‘free play’ and took part in various activities, including den building and mud painting.

Yet again, thank you to Miss Waterman for leading an excellent session!

Forest School Update 22nd March

Willow Class took part in another fantastic Forest School session this week. They learnt how to build and light a fire, built camps with tarpaulin, made muddy faces on the trees, did whittling with knives, cooked marshmallows and ate smores, walked across the slack line and made nesting stations for the birds by using hazel to make frames, then weaving different materials into them.

Willow Class Forest School

Willow Class had their second Forest School session of the term this week. Unfortunately, the strong wind outside meant they could not go to the woodland, but they had lots of fun taking part in different activities at school instead.

Whilst outside, the children played ‘Bat and Moth’. One person was blindfolded and acted as the bat. Whilst being surrounded by the ‘trees’ they had to use their hearing to listen out really carefully and ‘catch’ the moth!

Willow Class also played other teambuilding games in the hall: working together to balance balls between two sticks, using the parachute to work together and taking part in an assault course.

Willow Class Forest School

Willow Class had their first Forest School session of the term. They went to the woodland and discussed comparisons between a woodland and a rain forest. They also built dens with all kinds of natural materials, whilst discussing what the woodland can provide, e.g. shelter, water, etc.

Owl Visits Sycamore

On Wednesday, Sycamore class had their last Forest School session of the term. They had some exciting visitors in this week. Graeme Ward very kindly arranged for Owen from Knockhatch to visit them with an owl. The children got to hold the owl and also have a go at dissecting owl pellets!

George S said, “It was fun yesterday. We were finding parts of bones in the owl pellets and finding out what the owls eat. We then all gathered around the hall and a staff member from Knockhatch came in with a white owl named Gandalf and we all got to hold him.”

Oli said, “It was lots of fun and it wasn’t as heavy as I thought it would be.”

A big thank you to Stanley and Skooter’s dad and also Owen from Knockhatch for bringing the owl and pellets in!

Structure in the Forest

On Wednesday 30th January, Sycamore Class had the challenge to make a structure in the forest: a den, bed, chair, bridge or table.

They used natural resources and used rope to the tie knots to keep the structures together.

They used excellent team work skills and their growth mindset by not giving up.

Sycamore Forest School

On Wednesday 23rd January, Sycamore Class had another excellent Forest School afternoon. They did a wide variety of activities of their choice: making dens, throwing spears, making chocolate cake in oranges, building a fire and toasting bread and marshmallows, charcoal drawings on trees, making bow and arrows and much more! They worked so hard as a team to do these things and used their Inspector Ingenious skills to make some really creative things!

Sycamore Forest School

On Wednesday 16th January, Sycamore class had their first Forest School session of the term. They spent the afternoon exploring the forest, taking lots of photos from different perspectives, playing hide and seek and making different structures e.g. dens, bridges, etc.

Building a Fire

On Wednesday 5th December, Beech class had Forest School outside as the rain managed to hold off. They worked really hard to build a fire together and also had the opportunity to use the saws with Miss Waterman.

Forest School Indoors!

On Wednesday 28th November, Beech Class had Forest School indoors due to the weather conditions. They had a great time playing lots of team building games. In one game they worked in pairs to balance balls between two sticks. They had to work hard together to ensure they did it quickly but not too quickly that they dropped the ball. They also played a game where they linked hands in a line and had to get the hoop from one end of the line to the other, without breaking hold. Everyone worked really hard and worked well together. Excellent team work!

Dens, Bug Hunting & Twig Art

This week, Beech class made dens for animals and walked ‘pet logs’ to make trails in the leaves. Some children also went bug hunting with their magnifying pots. The class had great fun making some art with twigs and weaving natural materials between string. Last of all, the children made a big den and the aim was to fit everyone in, which they managed to achieve!

Mud Pie Faces

In Forest School this week, Beech class were making mud pie faces on the trees. They played various games and explored the forest, including bark rubbing and using string to climb in and out of a ‘spider’s web’. Archie S also decided to build his own WW1 shelter with the help from Dylan, Owen and Vinnie.

In the Orchard and Around the Pond

Beech class were lucky enough to spend a beautiful sunny day up in the orchard and around the pond on Wednesday. The children who didn’t go pond dipping last time had the opportunity to do this with Mrs Filkin and Miss Pitt.

Freya, Archie S and Molly helped Miss Hare get the fire going and then all the children roasted marshmallows. While they were doing this, the children also filled up the kettle so they could make some hot chocolate! All the children were very excited to do this and enjoyed sitting round the fire circle, drinking hot chocolate and eating marshmallows! Michael suggested we all tell each other stories and entertained us with some jokes! Some of the children chose to make dens again and had a lovely afternoon playing in the sunshine. Well done, Beech class, your behaviour was excellent and lots of you showed some real growth mindset when trying to light the fire!

Pond Dipping & Making Dens

On Wednesday, Beech class had their second Forest School session of the year. It was beautifully sunny but there was a chilly wind. The children were lucky enough to have enough adults to go pond dipping for the first time and were very successful! They caught loads of newts – some of them quite huge – and lots of dragon-fly larvae which the children were not so sure on! While they weren’t pond dipping, the children made some amazing dens using the tarpaulin. A new favourite game was tug-of-war on the field which they got very competitive over.

Well done, Beech Class, your behaviour was amazing and it was a really fun afternoon. Next week, we are hoping to have a fire so any extra pairs of hands would be lovely.

Create Something & Guess

Beech Class had a fantastic time in their first Forest School session this week! We began by playing some games, and then the children were given a secret challenge: they had to create something and the rest of the class would try to guess what it was!

We had a fantastic range of houses for animals, bug hotels, and even a throne for a fairy king!

After that, the children broke into different groups and explored the orchard and field. They could find bugs, or just let their creativity take over and build anything they wanted. Some children made ponds for frogs, others found string and designed their own bows and arrows!

All in all, a fantastic start to our adventures outdoors!

Bows & Arrows Update

Sycamore had their final Forest School session on Wednesday 28th March and, although the weather was not its best, had a brilliant afternoon in the school grounds.

Using their bows and arrows that they’d cleverly made in the previous weeks, they were given the challenge of ‘catching their food’ – an easter egg balanced on a table!

The children had some target practice to start with and perfected their techniques with their bows and arrows and then lined up to take a shot! Amy Farrell and Ashten were very quick to win their eggs and Mr Procter managed to win one too – using Kai’s bow! The children were so resilient in their efforts to hit their eggs and didn’t give up easily!

While they weren’t using their bows and arrows, they played on the trim trail, made dens or finished off their arrows in the hall with Mrs Filkin and Mr Ottaway.

At the end, the children discovered the Easter Bunny had visited the trim trail and had to hunt down the Haribo he had dropped…

It’s been such a great term of Forest school and Sycamore have behaved brilliantly meaning we were able to get a lot done!

Thank you so much to Mr Ottaway, Mr Groves and Ms James for coming to help us this week – and all the other parents who have helped out so much this term. You’ve made it possible to get so much out of each session for the children.

Bows & Arrows

This week, Sycamore went into the forest to continue their project of making bows and arrows. We discussed that, if we were trying to survive the forest, we would need a way of catching some food!

Thanks to Mr Greenwood, Mr Ottaway, Mrs Barnett and Mrs Filkin, all the children managed to make their bow this week, ready for some target practice next week!

While they weren’t busy making bows, with the help of Mrs Taylor, we made some arrows. We cut down some think hazel trees and then used knives to clear all the bark off them. The children then really enjoyed sharpening one end to make it as sharp as possible!

We set up a target on a tree and the children who had finished their bows and arrows had great fun trying to hit the target! This required some real resilience as it was tricky to get the arrows straight! Ria and Helbert spent a long time practising!

Ms James also came along and helped the children take on the slackline across the river! Thanks to some great team work, the children made it along the line and kept (mostly..!) dry!

Next week is Sycamore’s final forest school session of the year – and last one at Chiddingly for the Year 6s!

We will be pulling lots of our new survival skills together in different challenges so any parents who would like to join us would be very welcome!

Thanks again to the parents who came – we are so grateful for your help!

Water & Food at Forest School

On Wednesday afternoon, Sycamore went out for Forest School and this week their focus was a mix between water and food!

Thanks to the survival skills of Ashten, Megan, Amie and Kai (and their very sturdy rain-trap that they built last week!) there was plenty of water ready to be purified and boiled ready for hot chocolate. The children used fabric to filter away all the bits of dirt and then put in water purifying tablets to kill off any germs. Then we boiled the water on the fire (expertly built and lit by Amy F and Chanelle) ready for hot chocolate to warm us up! Even through the sun was shining, it was still quite chilly. Marshmallows were also needed to give us a sugar boost!

While the children weren’t enjoying cooking around the fire, they got busy with Mrs Filkin and Mrs Barnett making bows and arrows! Thanks to Mr Barnett for providing some sticks of hazel, we were able to use knives to whittle a groove into the bow and wrap string around them, ready for some target practice next week! We are hoping to go into the forest next week to finish off the bows and arrows and set up some targets, so if any extra parents are around to come and support us, it would be very much appreciated!

Thank you for a fab afternoon, Sycamore!

Making Fire!

Sycamore had their second Forest School session of the term this week and their focus was fire! This is linked in with their topic of Survival.

The children were in groups of 8 and, in pairs, were provided with an aluminium tin, some char-cloth, a fire steel and some wood. Mr Groves kindly brought the char-cloth and a huge selection of wood shavings which acted as great kindling. The children’s challenge was to light a fire and keep it going for as long as possible. Simon and Fin were very quick to keep it going and did well at saving some of their resources so the fire lasted a long time. Seth and Ella spent a long time trying to get their fire lit (not sure I’ve ever seen more determination!) and were very proud when they managed it!

The children soon learnt that if they blew gently and steadily on embers, it wasn’t long before they got a flame again. The children were rewarded for their hard work with a hot chocolate around the big fire, made in our brand new kettle!

While they were waiting to have a go with fire, the children either pond dipped or created rain water traps in preparation for next week’s session: water.

Thank you, as always, to our fantastic parent helpers – it is so great to have your involvement in our sessions!

Survival in the Forest

On Wednesday, Sycamore kick-started their topic on ‘Survival!’ (and a term of Forest School) with a trip to the forest. Each week we are going to be focusing on a different area of survival and this week it was Shelter! We went even deeper into the forest for this and found our new boundaries with a few rounds of hide-and-seek.

The children were then tasked with working in small groups, with only one tarpaulin behind them and very limited rope, to create a shelter that they could all fit in. They were pre-warned that at the end of the session, their shelters would be put to the test to see if they were water and wind proof.

Simon decided to go it alone and ended up very well camouflaged! Megan, Amie, Grace and Violet all made an amazing den, including a window! Kai, Ashten and Helbert worked on a natural shelter and were very creative with some bark to help the ‘rain’ drain off the sides rather than come through the cracks.

At the end of the session, Mr Ottaway came along with ‘rain’ and, once the children were inside their dens, checked to see whether their dens stood up to the weather! Well done, Sycamore, for showing real resilience and team work during this session. Thank you so much to Mr Ottaway, Mr Groves, Mrs Taylor and Mrs Barnett for coming in and helping out!

Next week, we are going to focus on fire and have Forest School in the morning so if there are any parent helpers who would like to come in, any extra pairs of hands are always appreciated! It will run from 9:30 – 12:00.

Promise of Snow

Willow Class had a very chilly, final Forest School session this week. Despite the promise of snow in the morning, by the time we got to the afternoon, it had all disappeared!

It was still very cold so the children wrapped up warm and we got a big fire going to keep us warm!

While Chloe, Jasmine, George and Isobel helped Miss Hare and Mrs Taylor light the fire, Mrs Filkin took the parachute onto the field and played games with the rest of the class.

Chloe was an expert fire lighter and George, Isobel and Jasmine all managed to light a piece of cotton wool, too!

When Harrison came over the fire, he was so determined to get a spark and light the fire using fire steels! He worked hard for over 10 minutes and finally had success! The promise of a marshmallow as a reward for his efforts seemed to help!

Then Miss Pitt, Mrs Filkin and Mrs Taylor took some of the children pond dipping. They caught newts and other interesting creatures and we very careful with them as we had discussed how they like the cold and to touch them would hurt them even if we didn’t mean to.

The highlight of the session was that all the children toasted a marshmallow on the fire and many of them showed real resilience when having a go with the fire steels.

George S had a great technique and was really helpful to others when they were finding it tricky. Henry was also a real star at this. The fire was definitely needed by all the children at some point so they could warm up a bit!

Well done, Willow Class! It has been great fun having Forest School with you this term!

Willow Forest School Update

On Wednesday, Willow class were lucky enough to spend a beautiful afternoon in the forest! Thanks to Miss Pitt and Mrs Taylor, we were able to go into the forest and the children thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon!

It seemed a highlight was the very gooey, muddy walk into the forest and going through the stream!
After a few rounds of hide and seek, the children got busy with lots of different activities.
Mr Skinner helped the children set up the slack line over the river and set the challenge of crossing it without falling in! Ryan needed up getting pretty soggy!

The children also made some amazing natural shelters or got busy with palm drills making some beautiful jewellery out of acorns which they are going to carry on with next week, trying to find other items to thread!

George D and Floyd made an amazing bridge over a small stream and George S made an amazing shelter all by himself, using techniques he’d seen on a survival programme on TV!

Well done, Willow class! It was a really fantastic afternoon.

Next week we are hoping to cook over the fire, so any extra helpers would be hugely appreciated!
Thanks again to our wonderful parent helpers today!

Willow Forest School

On Wednesday afternoon, Willow Class had their first Forest School session of the term. It was a beautiful afternoon and, although a bit chilly, all the children quickly got involved in an activity. Some of the children chose to go pond dipping with Mrs Barnett, Mr Skinner and Mrs Filkin. They were very successful at catching newts, water boatmen and searching for the frog!

Other groups of children worked as teams to build their own dens with some of the girls even building a ‘zip-wire’ which led to lots of inventive games and a lot of giggling! When Floyd and Austin were searching for smaller sticks to use as stakes for their den, Floyd found some amazing fungus which he though looked like a piece of orange!

A few of the other girls spent time creating a birds nest by tying twigs together and decorating it with conkers and grass. They are looking forward to carrying on with this next week! The final activity enjoyed by some of the children was the slackline. William tried it out first and then some of the girls were great helpers to each other and offered shoulders to lean on as they tried to get across! Thank you very much to Mrs Barnett for coming to help! Well done to Willow Class for really excellent and kind behaviour during Forest School – keep it up!


Rangoli Patterns

Willow class made rangoli patterns, inspired by their topic of ‘Festivals of Light’. They also took inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy’s use of natural materials to create art.

Chocolate Orange Cakes on the Fire

This week, Sycamore had their final Forest School session for the term. We have been learning about rationing and found out that chocolate and oranges were both rationed and very rare during WW2 so, as a treat, we used both of these to cook chocolate orange cakes on the fire! In the morning, the children scooped out the flesh from half an orange, filled it with chocolate sponge mixture and wrapped it in foil. When we had got the fire going, we placed the oranges in the embers and waited for them to cook! While we were waiting, we pond dipped, played games or explored our orchard. In the pond, we found so many newts, dragon fly larvae and even toads!

Some of us enjoyed our cakes more than others – Chanelle and Simon gave them a 10/10, whereas Mason and Ria gave them a 2! Amy Farrell enjoyed her cake even though she doesn’t like chocolate orange so it was a definite success!

Thank you so so much to the parent helpers who have been in throughout the term – we really couldn’t do any of these amazing things without you!

Well done, Sycamore! You have been fantastic to work with in Forest School this term – see you later in the year!

Next term, it is Willow Class’ turn for Forest School and we will start the second week back so please ensure they all have a change of clothes and wellies. If anyone is available to help, we need at least another 4 adults to be able to go into the forest, please see Miss Chewter for the relevant forms.

Capture the Flag

This week, Sycamore took their learning from their trip to Newhaven Fort into the Forest! They split into groups of 6 or 7 and became their own army troop, with the children taking it in turns to be the commander! They played a version of ‘capture the flag’ and had to use tactics and strategies to ensure their team was the winning one!

Mr Hinder and Mr Ottaway were fantastic helpers to the children when they created bases and encouraged them to think carefully about who was doing what during each round of the game! The children worked brilliantly in their teams and when discussing the rules behind the game, were very grown up in their approach to following the rules.

Next week, instead of Forest School, the children will be completing an art project in their classroom which will be on display outside the classroom. Well done, Sycamore, you are clearly really loving studying WW2!

Slacklining & Conker Fights

For Forest School this week, Sycamore had a fantastic time in the woods. They were keen to have another go at slacklining and, thanks to Mr Hinder’s and Mr Ottoway’s supervision and encouragement, the children became even more confident on it – some of them trying it without holding onto any shoulders or hands! After seeing their amazing shelters they created using tarpaulins the other week, I set the children a challenge of creating dens using only natural materials! They rose to this challenge and created really beautiful and imaginative shelters. Their creativity in what they could use instead of rope and sheets was very impressive and the children were very proud of them.

Of course, it wouldn’t be Autumn without some conker fights! The children used palm drills to make holes through the conkers and tied them onto string. As competitive as Sycamore children can be, their games were very sensible and careful with some clever tactics coming into play from Rhys, Jack, Helbert and Thomas! Well done again, Sycamore, for fantastic behaviour! So many of you made a real effort to ensure everyone had something to do and felt included.

Sycamore’s First Session

This week, Sycamore went for their first Forest School session of the year. They came really well prepared for the showers we had but rain doesn’t stop Forest School! We went into the woods and chose different activities, depending on whether it was raining or not as all tool work stops in the rain.

After a few rounds of very competitive Hide-and-Seek, the children got busy! Ruby, Chanelle, Kayley and Amy Farrell made an incredible den, complete with rope swing, washing line, cooker and windows! This inspired other groups to have a go at den building and they too were very successful!

Some of the others set to work on using palm drills to make an assortment of different crafts. Rhys and Orla made holes in acorns and threaded them onto string to create jewellery and Helbert begun to make a mobile with different natural items for decoration. Orla and Grace joined Forest School for the first time and were really resilient to any challenges and got into the spirit of braving the weather – well done, girls!

Sycamore, you were brilliantly behaved and listened really carefully to instructions. Keep it up!

Children Living in the Stone Age

Beech Class begun their sessions of Forest School this week and it was the perfect afternoon to be outside! The children split in half and had a turn doing two different activities.

During their time with Mrs Filkin, the children got into role as children living in the Stone Age and were
hunter gatherers. They went around the school grounds, gathering different objects they found to make themselves a delicious dinner! Then they had a go at being hunters and created some wonderful
firepits and dens to make into their homes. The children used their fantastic imaginations to really
get into role during this session and proudly showed off what they already knew about this time period.

Miss Hare and Mr Ottoway set up the slackline which the children were very excited to have a go at!
Although some of the children were nervous as they watched their classmates wobble around, they all
were brave enough to try it and all got to the end – with a little help from their friends or adults! Then
the children were set the challenge of trying to get a cup full of water from one end to the other! This
meant some of them got a bit soggy but all the children still had water in their cup by the end! Well done, Beech Class! You showed great growth mindset by achieving the challenges you were set through your determination!

Please could we remind you that all Beech class children need their forest school kit in on a Wednesday so they can take part in all the activities. This doesn’t need to be their waterproofs in the warm weather, but a change of clothing and different shoes are needed to protect their uniform.
Also, if any parents can spare the afternoon, we need at least 6 adults to be able to go to the forest and
would really appreciate the help!

Wonderfully Warm Wednesday

Oak Class had a wonderfully warm Forest School session on Wednesday! Miss Hare had bought some new plants for the Trim Trail Garden and we enjoyed planting these with Mrs Filkin. Also, we took the ‘bug pots’ up to the fire circle and had fun collecting and trying to identify the different bugs that we found. There was also a tiny toad that we found that kept trying to hop away from us! Our final activity was to choose a soft woodland creature toy and build an outdoor habitat for it. Bonham made a very clever set of steps and a walkway up to his tree hideout for his animal using sticks, as did lots of others. Many thanks to Mr Hinder, Mrs Barnett and Miss Pitt for helping us to enjoy our learning.

In the Orchard & Around the Fire Circle

This week, Oak class spent a beautiful, sunny afternoon up in our orchard and around the fire circle. The children were very excited to hear that we were going to light the fire and cook some marshmallows on it! The first job was to collect firewood for the fire. Miss Hare showed the children the different thicknesses of wood they needed and all the children were fantastic at collecting and organising it – using their finger thickness to decide which pile to put it in.

While they weren’t working with Miss Hare and Mr Hinder, the children got creative with some daisies, investigated the wildlife that lives in our school field and played games to build up their confidence and trust in each other. It’s lovely to see how involved all the children get in the games and how much more confident they are this term, than their first few Forest School sessions back in Term 2.

The children came and had a go at fire-lighting in groups of 4. Mr Hinder demonstrated how to use the fire steels to get the fire going using cotton wool with vaseline on it.

Freya knew exactly how to use the steels and Mya was particularly determined when her cotton wool was being stubborn! Even though he was a bit nervous to start with, Stanley’s cotton wool got going really quickly and all the children enjoyed seeing how quickly the fire started and caught onto the sticks which they collected. Then they roasted marshmallows and enjoyed making them go gooey inside – or as Molly described it, ‘like yoghurt!’

Well done, Oak Class! You were so sensible around the fire and were really encouraging of your friends when they found it a little bit tricky!

Improvements Around the Pond

Oak Class had Forest School this week and enjoyed being the first class to test out the improvements around the pond! The decking area has been lowered so that the children can easily reach the pond using their nets, without having to lean quite as far over. Dylan found a tiny newt and Freya, Kalian and Jacinda found dragon-fly larvae at different stages of growth! The children also caught a lot of water boatmen, eggs and duck weed! They were so sensible around the pond and also enjoyed going to say hello to the chickens!

While the children weren’t pond dipping, they made beautifully creative clay faces on the trees with Mrs Filkin. They used items from around the forest to create a variety of faces, creatures and animals!

We finished the session by playing some great team and trust building games using a blindfold which the children were really brave at trying!

Well done, Oak Class – see you next week!

Oak Class & Year 5

Oak Class were joined by their special friends and the Year 5s this week for their Forest School session! They did a great job of weeding the flower beds up by the trim trail and giving it a general make-over so they can plant some of their own plants as part of their topic work. Oak Class were showing off their knowledge about how a plant grows and even discovered some potatoes that were buried! They were so helpful and careful with the tools they were using – helped by their special friends. We look forward to beginning Oak’s Forest School sessions properly next Wednesday, so if there are any parents who would like to come and help, we would love to have you!


Slacklining Over the River

This week, Sycamore spent a sunny afternoon in the Forest choosing their favourite activities. Mr Hinder and Mr Barnett kindly supervised the slacklining over the river, which was requested by some of the children the last time we used it. The children had great fun trying to run along the rope to get across the river – although most of them ended up getting soaked through failed attempts! Lil seemed to bring most of the river back to school in her wellies! Tommy managed it first time by running at quite some
speed along it!

Some of the children made amazing dens and have potential as interior designers, with some of their homes having kitchens, beds and toilets!

Mrs Filkin worked on some crafts with some children and they made some incredible woodland creatures and used knives to shape the wood to give the animals the features they needed. The children were so determined in this activity as it required a lot of concentration and patience to get the wood exactly how they wanted them. Kerry chose to decorate her crocodile with sharpies and drew some lovely detail to create scales. Well done Sycamore, really fantastic team-work and growth mindset attitude shown during this session! Keep it up!

Dream Catchers & Boomsticks

This week, Sycamore were able to spend the whole afternoon in the Forest as the weather was much better! The children were keen to finish their wands which they begun last week and so we took the clay and tools to the forest and the children spent a long time creating and improving their original designs.

Some children then made dream catchers and some others were keen to carry on the Harry Potter theme and made broomsticks! Apologies to any parents who now have these broomsticks at home..! Jorin, Kye, Simon, Lil and Georg decided they wanted to build a dam for the stream so spent a long time piling up sticks and leaves to see whether they could change the water levels either side. Sycamore’s favourite game to play in the forest is hide and seek, so, to finish the afternoon, they played a few rounds of it and found genius places to hide, making Miss Hare and Mrs Filkin jump when they sprung up out of nowhere! Thank you to Mrs Barnett and Mr Hinder who kindly gave up their afternoon to come and help! It is so appreciated.

Well done for really excellent behaviour, Sycamore!

Rain and Gloomy Weather

Sycamore went out for Forest School this week, despite the rain and gloomy weather! We went into the forest to play a few rounds of hide and seek to get to know our boundaries a bit better. The children found excellent hiding places, and Jorin was wearing a camouflaged coat which made it difficult to spot him from a distance! It didn’t stop him getting a bit stuck in the ditch though!

Then we searched for the perfect stick to create a wand out of – linking with our Book Week topic of Harry Potter. We had to make sure the wood wasn’t dead so it was strong enough to be used as a wand and wasn’t going to snap with the first spell!

We had to come back inside then as the rain begun, and we used vegetable peelers to shave the bark off them, to give them a nice smooth finish.

We got creative with some plasticine to make fancy handles and will use these designs to make final copies in clay, next week.

Thank you for all the offers of help this week – hopefully the weather will be kinder next week and we can go out all afternoon!

Cross the River

Willow Class had their final session of Forest School for this term on Wednesday. As a warm up game, they were challenged with a game called ‘Cross the River’, where they had to work as team to walk across ‘stepping stones’ and swap ends with another team. To start with, they found this really tricky and just wanted to race, but as they kept going, they found the only way to succeed was to help each other out! Edward and Finley came up with a great system of moving the logs, and Violet and Austin were great teammates!

After they had finished, they each had a turn walking across the slackline using their friends to help them! Kai was very nervous to start with and then almost ran along it!
Well done, Willow, your Forest School sessions have been a pleasure this term because you’ve all worked really hard and been very considerate of each other! Keep it up!

Woodland Craft for Christmas decorations

In Forest School, all year groups have explored the different parts of our woodland and how they have changed through autumn into winter. They have also got creative making woodland craft for Christmas decorations. Children have made medallions, Christmas trees, bells and stars. Some classes have used their Forest School sessions to inspire creative writing.

On behalf of all the children and staff we would like to thank all of our Forest School volunteers who give up their time to support at Forest School – Miss Denney


Big Shells

This week, Willow Class made fire! Mr Ottaway kindly brought in some big shells and the children took it in turns to use the steels to light some cotton wool to start the fire. Finley was an expert helper and was determined to help the others achieve their goal. Then the children had great fun roasting marshmallows and making ‘sandwiches’ using chocolate biscuits! There were lots of messy hands and faces by the end! The children were so careful around the fire and showed just how responsible they can be – well done!

While the children were waiting to roast marshmallows, they explored the woods to find leaves and other items to create some art work. They used googly eyes to bring their characters to life and were very creative! Then, to help the children warm up, Mrs Filkin and Mrs Ursell created a great game where they had to work together as a team to guide a blindfolded person!
Well done, Willow Class – you were fantastic!

Vertebrates and Invertebrates

This week, Willow Class had a science-based Forest School session and they learnt more about vertebrates and invertebrates! Before going to the forest, the children classified some animals and began to quickly identify whether an animal was an invertebrate or vertebrate. Then, we focused on the kinds of animals we would find in our woodland. The children then went on a bug hunt all over the forest to see which types of invertebrates they could find and used a classification key to find more features of their animals. They worked really well as small groups and were really considerate to their environment.

After they had finished, they had a great time creating skeletons of vertebrates with sticks and anything else they could find in the forest! Edward, Chloe and Jesse made an amazing crocodile one that stood up by itself! Finley, Helbert, Tommy and George made a fantastic eagle one – complete with a beak and tail! Next week, we are hoping to light a fire and cook some marshmallows so, if any other adults are free to come and help us, we would really appreciate it!

Fantastic Dens

Willow class came back to forest school this week and had a great afternoon in some sunshine!

Mr Ottoway kindly organised some trees to be given to the school through the Woodland Trust and the children began to plant them around the pond. Nicole especially enjoyed jumping on the spade to dig a deep enough hole! They worked hard to plant quite a few trees and the other classes will be helping out over the next week to get lots planted!

While the children weren’t planting, they got very busy and made fantastic dens. Some of the dens even had kitchens where the children sat and roasted pretend marshmallows!

Thomas and Kai were also really creative and made their own diablo sets out of bamboo sticks!
Well done, Willow Class, for lovely imagination and team work!

Thank you very much to Mr Ottoway and Mr Greenwood who came in to support. If any parents are free on Wednesdays from 1pm – 3pm, we are always grateful for an extra pair of hands!

Leaf Factory

Beech Class had their final forest school session this week. They chose to recreate some of the amazing homes for stick men they made last week – with some children choosing to create a ‘Leaf Factory’! All the children worked really hard as a team and showed what excellent friends they are to each other by helping each other out. They also worked in pairs to guide each other around a rope course. One child had to close their eyes and their partner had to be a great communicator and guide them round the course. They quickly realised their instructions had to be very clear otherwise the person with their eyes closed, went the wrong way!

Thank you so much to all the parents who have helped out this term – Beech class are so lucky to have so many willing parents to come and help!

Stick Village

Beech Class had a fantastic time at Forest School session this week. We went into the forest and were all amazed at how light it was in the forest now all the leaves have come off the trees.

The children had great fun creating huge leaf piles and then made these into little dens for the stick men they created. They had to show resilience and perseverance making their stick men as they had to search for the right sticks and then create their arms, legs and some children even gave them funky hair-dos! When they had finished their stick men or women, some of the children made pets for their stick men – we had dogs, swans and even a pet dinosaur! Jack, Callum, Violet, Neo and Lacey made ‘The Family Tree’ den with their stick men – very imaginative! The children then decided they wanted all their dens to be a part of a ‘Stick Village’ and made paths from their dens to everybody else’s! William and Ryan even put in a roundabout!

Well done, Beech Class – you showed how creative and enthusiastic you are!

Thank you so much to the parents who came in – we couldn’t have done it without you.

-4 degrees

Beech Class had their first Forest School session for the year on Thursday and it was a cold one! The temperature was -4 degrees (!) when they first went out but they had wrapped up warm and got running around to warm them up!

In groups, the children went pond dipping. Mr Hinder and Mr Ottoway had to smash the ice covering the pond before we could do anything! The children had a great time fishing under the ice and managed to catch two frogs – one of which was pregnant! They really enjoyed making ice sculptures out of the ice they had ‘caught’ but it meant they had very cold hands!

While they weren’t pond dipping, the children created their own Stick Men and used leaves and raffia to decorate them.

Next week, we hope to be able to go to the forest so if any parents are free to come and help, we would love to have you! Well done Beech Class – you were fantastically behaved!

Autumnal Art

Oak class had their final Forest School session this week and they had great fun choosing their learning in the outdoors! Some children chose to paint and created amazing autumnal art work which ended with the children painting one of the logs around the fire pit to give it some colour! Other children chose to make an amazing den with the help of the wonderful mums who come in to give them a hand. They made a little fire pit and had great fun pretending to toast marshmallows and sausages over the fire! They made one ‘room’ into a bedroom and tucked themselves into a pretend bed! Bonham and Archie Plummer then made themselves a little seesaw by placing a log between two tree trunks which all the children loved!

Well done Oak Class for wonderful behaviour during your forest school sessions, see you in Term 6!

Autumn Walk

On Wednesday 9th November, Oak class had their first ever Forest School session! The children were so excited to get into the forest and splash through huge muddy puddles on the way in. We went for an autumn walk in the forest to look at the beautiful colours and saw how many different toadstools we could spot. The forest was full of leaves of different colours and the children chose their favourite ones to bring back to school to create a picture.

This week, Oak class had their first pond dipping session! We spoke about what kinds of creatures we might find and talked about animals that might come to live in our pond later in the year – like frogspawn and newts.

The children were very brave at holding some of the creatures they found and were great helpers at cleaning out all the leaves that had fallen in!

Archie P said it had been his best afternoon so far because he got to help his friends search for funny creatures!

Stanley said that at first, he was a bit scared of the water boatmen that he caught but in the end he knew they weren’t scary!

Huge thank you to the parents for coming in to help – your support is so appreciated and we couldn’t do it without you!

Traps to Capture and Soak the Gruncher

This week, Willow class had their final Forest School session of the term. We finished reading ‘The Minpins’ which included a lovely description of the Gruncher (the evil dragon) finally being defeated!

We found out a Gruncher can only be beaten by pouring water on it so we designed our own traps to capture and soak the Gruncher! We all had really different ideas but they were all really creative and made great use of the materials that can be found in the forest! Ashleigh and Nicole even dug their own pit for the Gruncher to fall into! Harrison and Harvey made a trap with a tree that, when triggered, would get the Gruncher tangled up! Some of the children had great fun pretending to be the Gruncher and ending up getting a bit wet from the traps!

Well done, Willow Class, for really fantastic and respectful behaviour and incredibly creative ideas! Thank you very much to Mr Hinder, Mr Ottoway and Mr Barnett who came to help – it is so appreciated.

Pond Dipping

On Wednesday, Sycamore Class went pond dipping for the first time this term! Mr Ottoway kindly brought in a wildlife identification book to help the children with naming the wildlife they found. It was the first time some of the children had ever done pond dipping and they had great fun clearing out the duckweed and searching for the mythical frog that Willow Class found last year!

The children also had conker fights! They used palm drills to make a hole in the conker and then the battles begun! Some of the children chose to make some really lovely conker jewellery, too!
Well done, Sycamore, for really excellent and considerate behaviour during this session and a huge thankyou to Mr Ottoway and Mr Hinder for your help.

The Minpins

Willow Class enjoyed an afternoon in the forest on Wednesday. For Forest School sessions, we have been using a story by Roald Dahl called ‘The Minpins’ to link in with our topic work in class.
We designed shelters for the Minpins using items we found in the forest. Fin, Megan, Sophia and Grace made a whole hotel which they called ‘The Green Leaf Hotel’!

We then spent some time looking at the changes that had happened in the forest since last year. We noticed the bluebells had gone, a tree had fallen down during a storm and the leaves are beginning to change colour! Well done, Willow Class, for excellent behaviour and imagination!

Sycamore Photo Frames

Sycamore Class went into the Forest this week and made their own photo frames! They had to work together to select the right pieces of wood and then tie them together – they needed to be very resilient as this was not easy! They then used these photos frames to select a ‘view’ in the Forest which they then painted. Some of the girls had a very clever idea and used mirrors to help them get a good view of the canopy! The children will then compare these paintings and colour changes over the term as Autumn begins!

Well done, Sycamore Class, for such fantastic behaviour and creative ideas!