Beech Class begun their sessions of Forest School this week and it was the perfect afternoon to be outside! The children split in half and had a turn doing two different activities.
During their time with Mrs Filkin, the children got into role as children living in the Stone Age and were
hunter gatherers. They went around the school grounds, gathering different objects they found to make themselves a delicious dinner! Then they had a go at being hunters and created some wonderful
firepits and dens to make into their homes. The children used their fantastic imaginations to really
get into role during this session and proudly showed off what they already knew about this time period.
Miss Hare and Mr Ottoway set up the slackline which the children were very excited to have a go at!
Although some of the children were nervous as they watched their classmates wobble around, they all
were brave enough to try it and all got to the end – with a little help from their friends or adults! Then
the children were set the challenge of trying to get a cup full of water from one end to the other! This
meant some of them got a bit soggy but all the children still had water in their cup by the end! Well done, Beech Class! You showed great growth mindset by achieving the challenges you were set through your determination!
Please could we remind you that all Beech class children need their forest school kit in on a Wednesday so they can take part in all the activities. This doesn’t need to be their waterproofs in the warm weather, but a change of clothing and different shoes are needed to protect their uniform.
Also, if any parents can spare the afternoon, we need at least 6 adults to be able to go to the forest and
would really appreciate the help!