Kung Hei Fat Choi! Happy New Year! This week we have enjoyed learning all about China in our afternoon sessions. This was linked to the Chinese New Year celebrations.
Each class has taken part in a range of learning, linked to China. Throughout the school, children have been preparing and tasting Chinese foods. Sycamore Class created some very tasty vegetable spring rolls that they shared with their parents and teachers.
There was lots of Geography taking place, learning about where China is located. Willow class learnt how to write Chinese symbols and presented their work beautifully, as well as learning about the giving of red envelopes with money as a New Year gift.
As 2018 is the ‘Year of the Dog’, Beech Class designed and created their own dog masks. Oak Class enjoyed using ‘Google Translate’ to learn how to say some Chinese words as well as making their own Chinese Lanterns and writing detailed instructions to explain how to do this.
Many thanks to all of the staff for planning such exciting activities for the children and to all of the parents and carers for coming into our celebration of work at the end of the day.