This week, Sycamore had their final Forest School session for the term. We have been learning about rationing and found out that chocolate and oranges were both rationed and very rare during WW2 so, as a treat, we used both of these to cook chocolate orange cakes on the fire! In the morning, the children scooped out the flesh from half an orange, filled it with chocolate sponge mixture and wrapped it in foil. When we had got the fire going, we placed the oranges in the embers and waited for them to cook! While we were waiting, we pond dipped, played games or explored our orchard. In the pond, we found so many newts, dragon fly larvae and even toads!
Some of us enjoyed our cakes more than others – Chanelle and Simon gave them a 10/10, whereas Mason and Ria gave them a 2! Amy Farrell enjoyed her cake even though she doesn’t like chocolate orange so it was a definite success!
Thank you so so much to the parent helpers who have been in throughout the term – we really couldn’t do any of these amazing things without you!
Well done, Sycamore! You have been fantastic to work with in Forest School this term – see you later in the year!
Next term, it is Willow Class’ turn for Forest School and we will start the second week back so please ensure they all have a change of clothes and wellies. If anyone is available to help, we need at least another 4 adults to be able to go into the forest, please see Miss Chewter for the relevant forms.