Sycamore class decided we wanted to create clay models to sell at the market. On Monday 15th May, we split into groups of 5 or 6 and assigned job roles – the team manager, market researchers, product designers and financial advisors. We also created portfolios to store all our work in and did a daily write up of our work so we could see the progress we had made with our project. We brainstormed, researched, designed, made, painted and decorated throughout the week, in preparation for the big market on Friday!
For the market, some of us decided to sell our items through games such as lucky dips or guess the number games, which worked really well and helped us get lots of customers! We raised an incredible £79.45 so thank you all for your generosity at our stalls!
Quinn said, “Enterprise week was really good fun, because we got to make our own designs and I enjoyed working as a team! Also, having plenty of time to research and plan helped a lot!” Amy F said, “I enjoyed last week because when we were selling our products, I couldn’t believe how many people came to our market and I feel proud of how well we did!”
As a whole school we raised an incredible £176! Thank you to all for your donations!