Event |
Term Date
Children Accessing Event |
Curricular Areas Covered |
Impact |
Additional Information:
Why/how was this introduced? What evidence supports the impact? Who has evaluated it? Is it related to the individual school’s vision? How has pupil voice influenced decisions? What is the involvement of leadership, including governors? |
Performances |
All year groups
All year round |
RE, Literacy, drama, PSHE |
- Performance confidence
- Deepening understanding of Christianity
- Application of and purpose for literacy skills (writing poems and prayers)
- Follows long standing traditions of the school
- Follows identification of the need to increase opportunities for performance and raising confidence in speaking and singing
- Parent voice gained to evaluate the performances
- Supports the vision of both schools – Christian Values and British Values.
- Governors are invited to attend.
- Leadership ‘top and tail’ the events, celebrating the learning and performances and identifying the significance of the celebration
- National significant dates
Enrichment Days |
All year groups |
Skills not covered in curriculum |
- Development of non-curricular skills
- Experience of visiting leaders
- Experience opportunities not covered by the NC
- Confidence
- ‘Real life’ learning
- Developing citizenship skills
- Application of learning
- Identification of the need to increase opportunities for learning outside of the curriculum
- Pupil voice gained following events to identify impact
- Parents invited into school to share in the learning
- Community links strengthened as locals and parents invited to support the workshops
- Governors invited to celebrations, and invited to lead/support in activities
Anti-Bullying Week |
Term 2
All year groups |
- Awareness of school policy
- Application of school policy
- Self-awareness and self-confidence
- Awareness of own and other’s behaviour
- Parental engagement with school policy
- Introduced as part of a national focus week
- Led by the Assistant Headteachers – resourcing, planning, leading assemblies.
- Some of the foci of the week determined by parent and pupil questionnaires
Singing Assembly |
All year round
Year R-6 |
Music, PSHE, Drama |
- Performance confidence
- Self-confidence
- Self-awareness
- Representing the school, responsibility
- Follows identification of the need to increase opportunities for performance and raising confidence in speaking and singing
- Supports the vision of both schools – Christian Values and British Values.
- Governors are invited to attend.
- Led by music specialist
Forest School |
All year round
All year groups -timetable opportunities |
Cross-curricular – topic linked |
- Self-confidence
- Self-awareness
- Survival skills
- Tool skills
- Team work
- Pupil voice gained – through evidence in the newsletter
- Links to school ethos, Christian Values, British Values.
- Evaluated termly and through planning
- Led, planned, assessed and delivered by Forest School Subject Leader
Competitive sporting events |
All year round
KS2 |
- Enhanced PE skills
- Team work
- Self-confidence
- Self-awareness
- Representing the school, responsibility
- Led, organised, planned and evaluated by the PE subject leader.
Thrive |
All year round
All year groups – ‘Thrive School’
Individual children through 1:1 support, identified by class teachers, SENCO and SLT |
- Identifying and plugging gaps in development
- Supporting children in raising their emotional literacy
- Strategies for children to self-regulate
- Raising self esteem
- Raising attainment
- Led, organised and resourced by the Thrive Practitioner, under the guidance of the SENCO and SLT.
- Evaluated at Pupil Progress meetings, with individuals receiving 1:1 support monitored against attainment targets
- Pupil voice and parent voice regularly used as an evaluation and informative tool.
- Monitored as part of the SEND Governor monitoring
Skills Builder |
All year round
All children involved and benefit
Weekly whole school certificate to celebrate |
- Speaking
- Listening
- Teamwork
- Creativity
- Problem solving
- Leadership
- Staying positive
- Aiming high
- Link to school’s vision and ethos
- Links to Christian Values
- Links to British Values
- Led by various staff members, including class teachers, SLT, TAs, MDSAs
- Evaluated and discussed through weekly assemblies
Children as Leaders |
All year round
Year 1-6 – Pupil Govs voted for by peers, others chosen by teachers |
Pupil Governors
Learning Ambassadors
Year 6 Special Friends/Buddies
Playleaders |
- Confidence building
- Gaining a sense of belonging
- Experience in responsibility
- Experience in meeting and speaking to unknown adults
- Problem solving
- Resilience
- Caring for and supporting others
- Wider community experience
- Pupil Governors meet with Federation Governors to lead on areas.
- Link to school’s vision and ethos
- Links to Christian Values
- Links to British Values
- Led by various staff members, including class teachers, caretaker, RE Subject leader, MDSAs
Zones of Regulation |
All year round |
Year R-6 |
- Motional regulation
- Self-awareness
- Emotional literacy
- Links to behaviour policy
- Led by whole school community
- Visible around the whole school