Willow class came back to forest school this week and had a great afternoon in some sunshine!
Mr Ottoway kindly organised some trees to be given to the school through the Woodland Trust and the children began to plant them around the pond. Nicole especially enjoyed jumping on the spade to dig a deep enough hole! They worked hard to plant quite a few trees and the other classes will be helping out over the next week to get lots planted!
While the children weren’t planting, they got very busy and made fantastic dens. Some of the dens even had kitchens where the children sat and roasted pretend marshmallows!
Thomas and Kai were also really creative and made their own diablo sets out of bamboo sticks!
Well done, Willow Class, for lovely imagination and team work!
Thank you very much to Mr Ottoway and Mr Greenwood who came in to support. If any parents are free on Wednesdays from 1pm – 3pm, we are always grateful for an extra pair of hands!