Oak Class had Forest School this week and enjoyed being the first class to test out the improvements around the pond! The decking area has been lowered so that the children can easily reach the pond using their nets, without having to lean quite as far over. Dylan found a tiny newt and Freya, Kalian and Jacinda found dragon-fly larvae at different stages of growth! The children also caught a lot of water boatmen, eggs and duck weed! They were so sensible around the pond and also enjoyed going to say hello to the chickens!
While the children weren’t pond dipping, they made beautifully creative clay faces on the trees with Mrs Filkin. They used items from around the forest to create a variety of faces, creatures and animals!
We finished the session by playing some great team and trust building games using a blindfold which the children were really brave at trying!
Well done, Oak Class – see you next week!