Oak Forest School

Oak Class made some binoculars while at Forest School today, they did this be using masking tape to attach two cardboard tubes together. They then added a piece of string to wear them and used pens to add their own decorations. Using their new binoculars the children set off with a bird ID sheet on the hunt for what birds they may find on the school grounds. They worked their way around the field, scanning the tree tops and the hedges.

They spotted many birds flying high above them as well as lots of footballs in the hedge(!).

One child added a football section to her ID sheet so she could keep track of how many she spotted.

Some children chose to make an apple bird feeder. They did this by pushing as many sunflower seeds into a section of apple as they could, they then selected a branch to hang it from ready for some of the birds that they had been spotting to enjoy. They also enjoyed creating in the mud kitchen, taking it in turns to push their friends in the hammocks, practice the balancing skills on the slack line and tree climbing.