Willow Class had a very chilly, final Forest School session this week. Despite the promise of snow in the morning, by the time we got to the afternoon, it had all disappeared!
It was still very cold so the children wrapped up warm and we got a big fire going to keep us warm!
While Chloe, Jasmine, George and Isobel helped Miss Hare and Mrs Taylor light the fire, Mrs Filkin took the parachute onto the field and played games with the rest of the class.
Chloe was an expert fire lighter and George, Isobel and Jasmine all managed to light a piece of cotton wool, too!
When Harrison came over the fire, he was so determined to get a spark and light the fire using fire steels! He worked hard for over 10 minutes and finally had success! The promise of a marshmallow as a reward for his efforts seemed to help!
Then Miss Pitt, Mrs Filkin and Mrs Taylor took some of the children pond dipping. They caught newts and other interesting creatures and we very careful with them as we had discussed how they like the cold and to touch them would hurt them even if we didn’t mean to.
The highlight of the session was that all the children toasted a marshmallow on the fire and many of them showed real resilience when having a go with the fire steels.
George S had a great technique and was really helpful to others when they were finding it tricky. Henry was also a real star at this. The fire was definitely needed by all the children at some point so they could warm up a bit!
Well done, Willow Class! It has been great fun having Forest School with you this term!