Sycamore went out for Forest School this week, despite the rain and gloomy weather! We went into the forest to play a few rounds of hide and seek to get to know our boundaries a bit better. The children found excellent hiding places, and Jorin was wearing a camouflaged coat which made it difficult to spot him from a distance! It didn’t stop him getting a bit stuck in the ditch though!
Then we searched for the perfect stick to create a wand out of – linking with our Book Week topic of Harry Potter. We had to make sure the wood wasn’t dead so it was strong enough to be used as a wand and wasn’t going to snap with the first spell!
We had to come back inside then as the rain begun, and we used vegetable peelers to shave the bark off them, to give them a nice smooth finish.
We got creative with some plasticine to make fancy handles and will use these designs to make final copies in clay, next week.
Thank you for all the offers of help this week – hopefully the weather will be kinder next week and we can go out all afternoon!