On Tuesday, Sycamore went back in time to the early 1940s for their evacuee day! The first job of the day was to sort them into their new ‘families’. Miss Lewis, Miss Chewter, Mrs Thompson and Mr Lawrence came in to see the children lined up and chose the ones they thought looked most suitable for the jobs. Mrs Thompson was very thorough in checking to see whether she thought they looked strong and tough! The children who didn’t get picked went into Miss Hare’s new family and, after initially looking quite pleased about this, were soon appalled to learn that their jobs would be to ensure that the classroom and surrounding areas where kept spotless! For the rest of the morning, the children got busy writing postcards home to their old families in London and cooking an eggless sponge or potato and cheese dumplings in the kitchen.
In the afternoon, the evacuees worked incredibly hard to cover their boxes with paper to make gas mask boxes. They showed real determination in this as it was not easy! We kept time at the end of the day to sample the food they had cooked. The cake was a huge hit! The cheese and potato dumplings were not so much…! All the Chiddingly staff were so impressed with the children’s costumes and behaviour during the whole day and it meant the day was a complete success and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone! Well done, Sycamore! Thank you for making the day so much fun!