Sycamore Forest School

Four members of the class chose to help to get the fire going so that some water could be boiled ready to make a warm drink. This however turned out to be rather tricky, the children were very good at lighting their piece of cotton wool but the wood was a little damp so it kept going out. This did not put them off, they persevered until they had a successful fire and managed to boil some water. Hot chocolates were then made and enjoyed by the whole class.

There were plenty of muddy creations being made within the mud kitchen. The children gathered up pans and trays of wet sloppy mud they then used grass and other natural materials as decoration before offering the finished meal to their teacher!

Using salt dough some of the class made some animal tracks to take home. They did this by pressing a stone with an animal track onto the salt dough leaving an impression behind.

The class made the most of the two hammocks that were hung up at Forest School today, one was up as a hammock and the other as a swing. Using the one as a swing the class managed to sit themselves into it and wrap it around their legs, this then allowed them to hang upside down like a bat.