Sycamore Newsletter Term 5 – ‘Parliament and Power’

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Dear Parents,

I hope you had a lovely Easter break. This term our topic is ‘Parliament and Power!’ We will explore British Parliament then explore American Politics as well. In Literacy, we will be focusing on improving our grammar skills, creating newspaper reports and writing manifestos. We will explore the book ‘Skellig’ through reading activities. The SATs will be in Week 5. The class will continue to be split into year groups for maths (and some literacy sessions) to ensure the Year 6s cover their curriculum and the Year 5s continue with theirs.

Reading Please read with your child regularly, even if it is just one page.  Their books and book bags will need to be in everyday for 1:1 reading.  You may like to add a positive or helpful comment in their homework diary, but please acknowledge the fact that the book has been read by signing and dating in the comments space. A member of staff will be checking homework diaries on a Friday and children are expected to have read at least 3 times a week with an adult.
Spellings Spelling tests are every Thursday and your child will be tested on the ten spellings. Year 5 will select in the previous week (from either the Year 3&4 or 5&6 curriculum spelling lists). Year 6 will be given spelling patterns to learn each week. Their spelling tests results will be recorded in the back of their books for them to share with you.
Maths Maths homework will be set on a Friday and will be expected to have been completed by the following Thursday. Maths homework will be set on ‘Mathletics’ and the children have their logins stuck in their Reading Record book. This homework should be completed independently and will be a follow-up of the work they have been completing in class. The homework should take around 30 minutes to complete. Your child can come to ‘Homework club’ either on a Wednesday lunctimes
Grammar Grammar homework will be sent home on a Friday and your child will have 2 weeks to complete this. The homework will be based on the grammar they will be learning within their literacy lessons. This should take around 40 minutes and should be completed as independently as possible. To help with our in-class assessments, please indicate when you have helped your child.

Helping to enrich our topics

It is always great to have items or visitors that support our topic, so if anyone has any experience or items that may help us with any of the work above that we could hear about or borrow, we would love to see and hear about them.


Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle each day with fresh water; ensure all jumpers are labelled and bring a coat for any wet weather.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Hare

Reading at School and at Home

Useful Websites

Questions you could ask your child about their learning this term

  • How is a law made?
  • Which party is in power in the government at the moment?
  • Who is in charge of the opposition?
  • Where do debates about new laws happen?
  • What has happened so far in Skellig?
  • What are the food groups you need to stay healthy?
  • What have you learnt so far about the Islamic faith?

Learning Map