This week, Willow Class had a science-based Forest School session and they learnt more about vertebrates and invertebrates! Before going to the forest, the children classified some animals and began to quickly identify whether an animal was an invertebrate or vertebrate. Then, we focused on the kinds of animals we would find in our woodland. The children then went on a bug hunt all over the forest to see which types of invertebrates they could find and used a classification key to find more features of their animals. They worked really well as small groups and were really considerate to their environment.
After they had finished, they had a great time creating skeletons of vertebrates with sticks and anything else they could find in the forest! Edward, Chloe and Jesse made an amazing crocodile one that stood up by itself! Finley, Helbert, Tommy and George made a fantastic eagle one – complete with a beak and tail! Next week, we are hoping to light a fire and cook some marshmallows so, if any other adults are free to come and help us, we would really appreciate it!