On Wednesday afternoon, Willow Class had their first Forest School session of the term. It was a beautiful afternoon and, although a bit chilly, all the children quickly got involved in an activity. Some of the children chose to go pond dipping with Mrs Barnett, Mr Skinner and Mrs Filkin. They were very successful at catching newts, water boatmen and searching for the frog!
Other groups of children worked as teams to build their own dens with some of the girls even building a ‘zip-wire’ which led to lots of inventive games and a lot of giggling! When Floyd and Austin were searching for smaller sticks to use as stakes for their den, Floyd found some amazing fungus which he though looked like a piece of orange!
A few of the other girls spent time creating a birds nest by tying twigs together and decorating it with conkers and grass. They are looking forward to carrying on with this next week! The final activity enjoyed by some of the children was the slackline. William tried it out first and then some of the girls were great helpers to each other and offered shoulders to lean on as they tried to get across! Thank you very much to Mrs Barnett for coming to help! Well done to Willow Class for really excellent and kind behaviour during Forest School – keep it up!