Willow Newsletter Term 2 – ‘The Ancient Greeks’

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Dear Parents,

This term, Willow class is studying ‘The Ancient Greeks!’  The children will look at history, geography and myths and legends of Ancient Greece.  The myths and legends we are focusing on are ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’, ‘Pandora’s box’ and ‘Troy’.  In history, we will look at sources that show us evidence that Ancient Greece existed.  Art and DT will explore patterns and pottery related to our topic.  The company ‘Hands on History’ are coming in to give the children a taste of being historians around Ancient Greece!

Home Learning

Due after Christmas break – Friday 9th December 2017.

The children can create 3D artefacts, PowerPoint information presentations about anything to do with Ancient Greece, design their own fact file or make up a song about our current topic!

Reading Please read with your child regularly, even if it is just one page.  Their books and reading records need to be in everyday for 1:1 reading.  You may like to add a positive or helpful comment in the reading diary but please acknowledge the fact that the book has been read by signing and dating in the comments book.  Your child will be working towards a reward in class for reading 3 times a week.
Spellings We will be sending home weekly spelling investigations.  They will bring home activities to complete linked to the pattern that they are learning. The homework will be sent out on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. This learning will be followed up during literacy lesson and through discrete spelling sessions.
Mathematics Maths homework will be sent out on a Friday and will be due in the following Thursday. This should be completed in the children’s Maths Homework book.
Grammar and Punctuation Grammar and Punctuation practice will be sent home on a fortnightly basis (also on a Friday) children will have 2 weeks to complete this task.

Helping to enrich our topics

If anyone has any experience or items that may help us with any of the work above that we could hear about or borrow, they would be gratefully received.  If there are any artefacts from Greece that the children can bring in from home, they are welcome to share them.


Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle each day with fresh water.


Our PE lesson is on a Thursday, it is essential that children have their PE kits in school on these days.

Useful websites during this topic

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Axell
