Willow Newsletter Term 3 – ‘Around The World With Awesome Authors’

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Dear Parents,

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyable break. Thank you for the cards and presents the staff received. This term we will be learning about countries and cities around the world and a local study of our village. We will also be studying different authors and comparing their style of writing and their lives as an author.

Helping to enrich our topics

If anyone has artefacts or knows of anybody who would like to talk to the class about the local area, please get in contact with us!


The children are allowed to bring pencil cases to school, please remind them to not bring valuable, precious items that they don’t want to lose into school. Also, as the children have similar stationary, please encourage them to name their property.

Home Learning

The children worked hard on their homework last term and it has been great to see the links they have made to it within their learning in the classroom. Homework is an expectation and a requirement for all children. For the whole school, all homework will be released and due in on the same day for each year group: new homework* will be given out on a Friday and due in on a Thursday. Homework club is run every week (at lunchtime) to allow children to have a space in school to complete their homework if they were unable to complete it at home.

Reading Please read with your child 3 times a week and record this in their reading record.  Reading records will be checked weekly.
Spellings* Spellings: Spelling words will focus on phonics sounds learned in class and words from the Y2 or Y3/4 spelling list. New spellings will be recorded in the front spelling books each Friday, those words will be tested on Thursday. The result of this test can be found in the back of the child’s spelling book.
Maths* Maths homework will be given and is completed on Mathletics. Maths homework will be differentiated for your child. It should be completed independently.

Times Tables: All children should know 2s, 5s, 10, 3s, 4s and 8s and inverse rules by the end of Year 3 and should know all tables and their inverse by end of Year 4. Times tables challenges will occur in class weekly.

Grammar* Grammar and Punctuation: It will be sent home fortnightly on Fridays and due in on the Thursday a fortnight later.  Grammar and punctuation homework will be based on learning from the previous week/s.

Project Based Home Learning (optional)

  • Make a PowerPoint about a country or city you have visited
  • Create an author study of your favourite author
  • Create a landscape picture
  • Find out about a place around the world you would like to visit

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Axell and Mrs Mackarness and Mrs Pattenden

Useful websites

Questions to ask your child

  • What is happening in Kensuke’s Kingdom?
  • Tell me about how magnets work. What attracts what?
  • How do forces work?
  • Tell me about David Walliams!

Learning Map