Willow Newsletter Term 4 – ‘Around the World with Stories’

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Dear Parents,

I hope you had a lovely half term break. Our topic this term is called ‘Around the World with Stories’. This term, we will be learning about rivers, fossils and find out about our local area. The children will be learning about rivers across the world and comparing them to local rivers.  We will be making some exciting models and artefacts to help us with our learning this term; starting off with making mini rafts, making our own clay fossils and creating our own rivers and valleys to show the water cycle!

Reading Please read with your child regularly, even if it is just one page.  Their books and book bags will need to be in everyday for 1:1 reading.  You may like to add a positive or helpful comment in the reading diary but please acknowledge the fact that the book has been read by signing and dating in the comments book.
Spellings Weekly spellings will be sent out and please keep trying to learn them.
Maths We will be focusing on learning our times tables this term. On the Pioneer website are ‘Singing Tables’ which we will be using to help us remember the pattern of each times table. Please do have a look and learn them at home with your child.

Helping to enrich our topics

It has been really great to have books from home that relate to our topic so if anyone has any experience or items that may help us with any of the work above that we could hear about or borrow, they would be gratefully received.


Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle each day with fresh water; ensure all jumpers are labelled and bring a coat for the wet weather.

Home Learning

We are learning about rivers and the water cycle during the first part of the term. Could you make your own 3D model to show your learning or find out facts about other rivers in the world? You could choose to research fossils! Can you find out any interesting facts about fossils or even make your own?  Due after Easter holidays – Friday 20th April.

Many thanks

Miss Axell and Mrs Mackarness and Mrs Pattenden

Useful Websites

Learning Map