Beech Newsletter Term 2 – ‘Super Seasons of Stickman’

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Dear Parents,

Welcome back, we hope you had a brilliant half term. Our topic for this term will be ‘Super Seasons of Stickman’. We will be exploring the story of ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson, using it as a starting point for all of our learning. We will be learning about seasonal changes, how to measure the weather, poetry, story writing, and drawing maps. We will also explore events that happen in different seasons including Bonfire Night.



Home Learning

If the children find any information on the seasons, weather or complete any home learning inspired by ‘Stickman’, they are welcome to bring in to share with the class. There will be a home learning project every other term. The next one will be given out in term 3.



Please read with your child regularly, even if it is just for 5 minutes. It is really important that the children bring their book bags, yellow reading record and their reading book into school every day. When reading with your child please acknowledge the fact that the book has been read by signing and dating in the yellow reading record, or you may like to add a positive or helpful comment in the reading diary. We will change their books when appropriate.
Spelling Spelling homework will be sent home every week. Please can your child complete and bring back the following Tuesday. Common exception words should be read and spelt correctly by the end of year 2. These are attached to this newsletter. Year 1 need to continue to practice their phonic sounds. It will be helpful for children to use There are lots of games to play which support phonics learning e.g. Obb and Bob is a game they can play. We have attached phase 3, 4 and 5 phonics mats that the children need to be able to read.


Please complete the maths homework – sent home every other week in maths books. Year 2 – Times tables – please support your child to learn their x10, x2 x5, x3 times tables so that they know them off by heart, backwards, and at any point can tell you the answer e.g. 6 x 5 =

Key questions to ask your child at home

  •  Can you retell the story of Stickman?
  • How do you know the seasons are changing?
  • Can you identify the characters in Stickman?
  • Can you order the seasons?
  • Can you select which months go in which season?
  • Can you practice your number bonds to 10 and 2?

Useful Websites and for Literacy and Maths games.  Phase 3-5 games, blending sounds and words.

Topic Websites


  • Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle and their book bags each day.
  • Can the children please always have a coat in school particularly as the British weather is unpredictable.
  • Please can your child bring their PE kit every day. This can be left on their peg. Mr Watson teaches the PE session.
  • YEAR 1 AND 2 WILL BE DOING FOREST SCHOOL THIS TERM – The children will need a forest school kit in school including long trousers, a top covering their arms and waterproofs. Please can all children have a set of wellington boots in school at all times, this is so we can use the field and outside areas when it is wet and muddy.
  • Share Learning – if the children would like to share something from home with the class, it needs to be linked to the topic, their learning in school or a personal achievement.
  • Cursive Script – please can you encourage your child to write with joined up hand writing. They are learning this in school.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and ask. If you need to speak to me, I am on the playground every day at 8:45am. Please see Miss Chewter or me if you would like to make appointment to see me.

Thank you for your support. We are looking forward to an exciting term ahead

Miss Moore