Oak Newsletter Term 1 – ‘Jaws, Claws and Whiskers’

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Dear Parents,

Firstly, we would like to say how impressed we have been with the children since they have started with us. They have all settled into school life amazingly!

Our topic for this first term is ‘Jaws, Claws and Whiskers’. We will be spending time exploring different stories that encourage us to think about different animals that live in different places. Alongside this, we will be working on number recognition and formation. We will also be developing our foundation understanding of letters and sounds.

Our key stories this term are ‘Dear Zoo’, ‘The Gruffalo’ and ‘Flip Flap Jungle’.

The boxes below explain briefly the areas we will be looking at and some of the work we will be doing which will be incorporated through play and teacher focused activities.

Home Learning

We encourage children to continue their learning at home which will enhance their progress at school. There will be a meeting on Monday 26th September at 2.45pm in the classroom, to discuss home learning, reading and phonics. Reading books will be sent home after this.

Phonics – If you are supporting you child with their phonics at home please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ksblMiliA8 to ensure you are teaching the pronunciation of the sounds in the same way. There is also a link to the jolly phonic songs below.

As the year progresses and children’s understanding develops, home learning tasks will adapt and increase appropriately.

Reading Please read with your child regularly. At this stage it is really helpful to encourage the children to use the pictures to tell stories.

We change the children’s Home Reading books regularly. Their books and book bags will however be needed in school every day for 1:1 reading. You may like to add a positive or helpful comment in the reading diary but please acknowledge the fact that the book has been read by signing and dating in the comments book.

More information about our reading strategies will be given at the meeting.

Letters & Sounds Every week the children will bring home the sounds they have been working on in the week. In their home learning book, the children can practice these sounds by writing them, finding words that start with them and cutting pictures out of catalogues.

It would be really useful to support the children in identifying these sounds when reading with them.

Also to connect our learning in school with home, could you please find something small from home that starts with one of our sounds, for example P – pirate or S – Snake and bring it into school on Monday (ensuring it is named). This is so we can create a ‘Sound Table’ which the children can use.

Quick Reminders

  • Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle and their book bag each day.
  • Please can the children bring a coat every day, particularly as the British weather is unpredictable.
  • Our regular PE day is Monday and Friday but PE kits should be in all week as we fit in other sessions where possible.
  • Please can children with long hair have it tied back every day.

Useful websites

Questions to think about at home

  • Do you have any animals at your home? What is special about them?
  • What is your favourite animal? Draw a picture of it and bring it in to share with your friends.
  • What is the biggest animal you know? What is the smallest animal?

We hope you all have a lovely first term supporting the children in their learning and please do not hesitate to come and speak to us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Winchester and Ms Eldridge