Oak Newsletter Term 4 – ‘Story Rhyme, Story Time’

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Dear Parents,

Welcome back, we hope you had a relaxing half term break.  Our topic for term 4 is ‘Story Rhyme, Story Time!’ We will be enjoying looking at lots of books by the author Julia Donaldson and learning about her exciting characters.

During this term we will be looking at farm animals and exploring what makes them unique. We will be visiting Plumpton College Farm to experience this for ourselves. Alongside this we will be developing our knowledge of rhyme and making our own rhyming words.

Our key texts this term are:

Areas of Learning


Our focus in literacy this term is using our phonic knowledge to write stories using narrative language, adjectives, nouns and verbs.  In reading, our phonics knowledge, high frequency and tricky words will develop further and we will be talking about the different Julia Donaldson texts. If children have their own Julia Donaldson books at home, we would love for them to bring them in and share them with the class. (Please ensure they are clearly named!)


In maths we are going to secure our knowledge of addition and subtraction with the support of objects and begin to estimate and count in 2’s. Alongside this we will be exploring shapes and measures, as well as beginning to use money in our role play farm shops.

Understanding the World

Throughout the term we will be finding out about what happens on a farm, the foods which are produced and the animals that live there. We will also be developing our use of technology.

Home Learning

We would like to thank you all for your effort with last terms home learning tasks including reading with your children.

Reading Please read with your child regularly, even if it is a home or library book. At this stage it is really helpful to discuss the stories that you read and use story language such as, character, setting, beginning, middle and end.
Letters and Sounds We have sent home High Frequency Word Lists for the children to focus on. They need to be able to read these on sight.

Please focus on the 5 words with a dot next to them. When we read with your child, we will look at these words and send home the next ones so that they always have some to learn at home.

Term 4 Home Learning Tasks!

Choose two of the following activities to try with an adult at home. You can record these in your home learning book if you wish. Bring these into school whenever they are finished to share with your class.

  • Make a puppet from your favourite story.
  • Make a list of all of the Julia Donaldson books that you know.
  • Build a model farm in a shoe box or with construction and take a photo of it.
  • Visit a farm shop near you and see what they sell. Write a list of all the things you could see.
  • Explore measuring of different objects in your house. Can you put them in size or height order and draw a picture? Could you write down the measurement?
  • Make a song or dance to teach your friends about Zog or a farm animal.

Story Day at Chiddingly

On Tuesday 21st March, East Hoathly will be visiting Chiddingly School for a special story day. More details to follow soon.

Plumpton Farm Trip

We are planning a trip to Plumpton College Farm on Thursday 9th March to support our learning about farms and animals. More details will be in the letter to follow.

Websites and Links

 Quick Reminders

  • Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle and their book bag each day.
  • Our PE days are Monday & Friday but PE kits should be in all week.

We hope you all have a lovely term supporting the children in their learning. Please do not hesitate to come and speak to us if necessary.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Winchester