Foxes Solar Farm Visit

Foxes had a super week last week, visiting the Solar Panel farm in Berwick. On Tuesday morning, we visited the farm where we learnt exactly how the panels work to turn solar rays into electricity and just how many homes it can power on a sunny day! The children learnt about the different components that make up a solar panel and how the angle they are set at depends on which direction they are facing. They also went
on a wildlife hunt to see which animals or insects enjoyed the wild meadow that is also there!

On Wednesday, Tracy from Earth Energy Education came into school and taught the children how to use a mini solar panel to light up a circuit. Our learning from Term 1’s science topic on electricity came in handy as the children all remembered how to set up a complete circuit! They also had a great time trying to add as many components as possible and seeing the difference in the brightness of an LED bulb in the shade and in the sun!

If any parents haven’t yet signed the permission form for Earth Energy Education to use some of the photos in their promotion material, they would appreciate it if you are able to do this as soon as possible.