Federation Fun Run

After months of hard work from the school councils and pupil governors across each school in the federation. We held our Fun Run for Raystede animal charity on Friday 7th of June. At East Hoathly, we began our day with an assembly delivered by Emma from Raystede. She shared lots of information with us about what animals need to thrive, what Raystede do and why they need as much support as possible!

Across the classes, our learning explored the fundamental work that Raystede does more thoroughly and we investigated different avenues to explore this. The children made fundraising posters, some made leaflets about interesting facts about different animals, whilst some used Raystede’s interactive lesson to deepen our knowledge of the pets they have at home.

The children did exceptionally well in their fun run, and it was fantastic to see the children working together, especially the older children in Owls supporting some of the younger children in our school! At East Hoathly, we combined our bake sale with a baking competition which was anonymously judged by Bev, our school Cook. She was blown away by the effort put into the entries, but settled on a winner who was…
Henry Mackmin! His cookie monster cupcakes really stole the show and she admired the effort he had put into them.

So far, we have raised £200 which is amazing, and we would like to say a massive thank you for all of your donations. The ParentPay link is still open, and we will be doing a final count on Friday 5th July, so please ensure any final donations are sent before this date. We are in competition with the other schools to see which one can raise the most money!

Thank you again for all of your support.