Over the last fortnight, Year 5 and Year 6 have been making trenches and their own Anderson shelters.
They split up into groups and using sticks and small logs, they made trenches that they could use to shield themselves. Charlie in Year 5 told us that “trenchfoot was a common problem in the trenches”, luckily, the weather held out just long enough for us!
The children went into the forest to make their own Anderson shelters, using resources around them. They used ferns, leaves and even dirt to camouflage their shelters.
Forest School will be on a Monday, please let Miss Denney or Miss Dutton know if you are able to help out. The children really enjoy their Forest School learning and we are so grateful for our volunteers who give up some of their time to come and help.
Just a gentle reminder, please ensure you have your Forest School kit in school on Forest School days.