Foxes Wakehurst Place Trip

On the last day of Term 4, Foxes wrapped up warm and went off on a trip to Wakehurst Place with the other schools from the Pioneer Federation. The trip was based on our Science learning about plants and the children had a fantastic day rotating around 3 activities: dissecting plants, a nature walk and art using nature.

The rain didn’t quite hold off long enough for us all to stay dry during the nature walk but the children were resilient, engaged and enthusiastic as we marvelled at the huge trees, beautiful blossom and range of colours on display across the park. During the plant dissection, the children were able to become scientists and use microscopes to look closely at all the parts of the plant they were able to identify. Some of the children couldn’t believe how furry the anther was with all the pollen attached! The last session of the day was to use a variety of dried plants and flowers to create some art work – the results were stunning!

It was a brilliant way to end a term of learning and the staff at Wakehurst place were impressed by the children’s behaviour, thoughtful questions and consideration of the environment as they moved around the site. Well done, Foxes!