Social Justice Projects

At East Hoathly we have been thinking about how we can make a difference in our local community and school. Each class has decided on different projects. To demonstrate strong advocate approaches for social justice in a ‘local area of Improvement’.

Squirrels class have decided to encourage people to use public transport, reduce the litter in the village and encourage all to recycle their rubbish.

Foxes class have decided to ask the local council for improved play equipment at EH playground facility.

Owls class have decided to research and fund raise for drinking Water Fountain in the Playground.

See below for our how projects are going so far:

Squirrels have been working on their Social Justice Project, which is focused on supporting the environment. They began their project by creating posters to encourage people to look at the environment that we will put up around school and also the village. We will then consider how we can encourage people to take the bus.