Vision and Values

Achievement for all, Learning together, Learning for life, Under God's Rule

On Friday 2nd October, Miss Lewis met with each class bubble to talk to the children about the new school vision and values. We used the quotes from the Bible to help us understand each value and talked about what these would look like in practice in our daily lives. We tried to think about how the vision and values could be used to create our new school rules and had a go at creating actions to help us to remember them.

Here are some of the things the children had to say:


Sophie Y2 ‘the vision of school tells us how we should behave’


Catherine Y4 ‘being part of a team’
Myla Y3 ‘being kind and respectful’
Orlaith Y4 ‘showing respect for all’
Lily Y2 ‘caring for and helping other people’
Scarlett Y2 ‘helping people if they are hurt’
Emily YR ‘Sharing with my friends’
Ezra YR ‘I give hugs to people I love’
Lotte Y6 ‘always showing respect’
Jess Y5 ‘love yourself’
Jack Y5 ‘having caring friendships’
Paige, Nursery: 'I say Daddy I love you'
Jack, Nursery: 'I like to play with my best friend really much'


Jake Y4 ‘being brave and standing up to people’
Sara Y4 ‘using our 6Bs’
Sophie Y3 ‘trying our hardest at all times’
Delilah Y2 ‘being confident’
Matilda Y1 ‘being brave’
Jacob Y1 ‘never give up’
Koko YR ‘thinking lots’
India Y5 ‘believing in yourself’
Darcy Y6 ‘be the best that you can be’


Samuel Y4 ‘Making good choices’
Hugo Y4 ‘wise friends help each other’
Grace Y2 ‘You are clever’
Matilda Y1 ‘learning new things’
Louis YR ‘my granny is wise – she helps people’
Emily YR ‘I am wise at playing’
Koko YR ‘I am clever at thinking’
Alfie Y6 ‘having faith in your abilities’
Abbie Y6 ‘setting yourself targets and goals’
Leo, Nursery: 'I use my brain to be clever'
Riley, Nursery: 'I’m clever at playing'
Leo, Nursery: 'I’m clever at doing the harvest festival'


Max Y3 ‘Not telling lies
Jake Y4 ‘Honesty’
Orlaith Y4 ‘not holding on to secrets’
Oliver Y1 ‘don’t tell lies’
Sophie Y2 ‘telling people what you think’
Koko YR ‘not being a liar’
Freya Y5 ‘being true to yourself’
Jess Y5 ‘treating others as you would like to be treated’
Paige, Nursery: 'mums and dads will be happy if we tell the truth'

We look forward to using some stories from the Bible to help us to explore the vision and values further later in the term.