Who’s Who

Mr Procter is the Executive Headteacher of The Pioneer Federation of East Hoathly Church of England Primary School and Nursery, Chiddingly Primary School, St. Mary the Virgin Church of England Primary School and Park Mead Primary School.

The school is led by Mrs Briley (Head of School) and Mrs Tucker (Senior Teacher).

There are four full-time teachers and a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) who works one day each week. There are also trained Teaching Assistants in all classes. In addition we have visiting staff for musical tuition.

Although children spend the majority of their time with their class teacher, we feel it is important that they know and work with other members of staff. This helps the children to associate themselves with the school as a whole and also enables us to make the most of particular staff talents. We value the contribution made to the school by the non-teaching staff. These include our bursar, secretary, the cook and her assistant, the caretaker and the lunchtime midday supervisory assistants, some of whom are also Class Teaching Assistants.

School Staff from September 2024

Name Post Held
Mr James Procter Executive Headteacher
Mrs Alice Briley Head of School
Miss Kerri Howes Teacher (Hedgehogs and Rabbits)
Mrs Kathryn Tucker Teacher (Squirrels)
Mrs Katy Wilkinson Teacher (Foxes Mon- Wed)
Mrs Alexandra Surtees Teacher (Foxes Wed – Fri)
Miss Erika Siggs Teacher (Owls)
Mrs Sophie Osborn INA
Mrs Claire Luckhurst Support Staff (Squirrels)
Mrs Louise Twinn Support Staff (Foxes)
Mrs Gaye Robinson Support Staff (Owls)
Mrs Sian Leahy Inclusion Manager
Mrs Michelle Mackmin Secretary
Mrs Janette Wicks Federation Bursar
Mrs Fran Wyllie Federation Bursar
Mrs Fiona Wills Federation Finance Assistant
Mrs Roberta Field Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs Alex Thurman Inclusion Manager Assistant
Mr Jayden Brett Active Education Sussex PE Coach
Mr Marek Wysocki Caretaker
Mr Andrew Huggett IT Support

Number of employees whose gross annual salary is £100,000 or more: 0 members of staff