Owl Visits Oak Class

This week, Oak class have been exploring owls and nocturnal animals, as part of our ‘Noisy Nightlife’ topic. With the help of Mr and Mrs Ward, we arranged for an owl to come and visit us at school. The children were so excited to see an owl up close and find out more information about how they live. We thought that all owls were nocturnal but found out that many are not!

Our visitor was called Rusty and was incredibly well behaved. Rusty is a Tawny Owl which is native to the UK and is indeed nocturnal. The children were all given the opportunity to stroke Rusty and some even had a go at holding him, keeping their arm straight so as to mimic a branch. We absolutely loved our visit and the children were so excited to talk about the experience afterwards.

We would like to sat a big thank you to Owen for taking the time to come and visit us and give us more information on owls, to Rusty for being a wonderful guest and to Mr and Mrs Ward for arranging the logistics.

The children, and adults alike, loved the whole experience!