Reception Term 6 – “Splash!”

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Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you’ve had an enjoyable half term and are ready for the last term in Reception, before moving to Year 1!

This term, we are going to enjoy a water-filled fun learning journey. We will be enjoying finding out about how essential water is, where it comes from, what we need it for and how we can look after our water sources. Our journey will begin with some pirate fun, including a pirate day!

Our key texts this term will be

Areas of Learning:

Literacy – We will be continuing to focus on using high frequency words in our writing as well as spelling words with more than one syllable. Also, we will be writing our own stories based on the texts we are reading, as well as looking closely at the characters, settings and events of the stories we are sharing. Another skill we will develop is giving opinions and views about stories we have shared.

Maths – In maths, we will be solving problems that apply all of the skills we have learnt so far. As well as this, we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of number, practising doubling and halving as well as recognising and ordering 2 digit numbers, learning about money and time, comparing and estimating. We will begin learning about multiples and using 2s, 5s and 10s through money.

In other areas of the EYFS, we will be making links with our water theme, such as learning about things that float and sink and why this happens. Our Personal, Social and Emotional Development will begin to focus on our transition to Year 1 and we will be taking part in lots of activities which make us more familiar with the children in the class already, as well as exploring our new surroundings and routines, ready for September. The key to a successful transition to Year 1 is when children feel that this will be a positive experience and we aim to fully support them in this process. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to ask.

Home Learning

We would like to thank you all for your effort with last term’s home learning tasks, including reading with your children.

Reading -Letters and Sounds

Please read with your child regularly, even if it is a home or library book. At this stage it is really helpful to discuss the stories that you read and use story language such as, character, setting, beginning, middle and end. Also, encourage your child to predict the ending of the story and give their opinion of the texts that they read. Please record their ideas either in their reading record or their home learning books.


We have our home learning books which the children can use to complete the home learning challenges. In addition to this they can practice their writing skills by writing their own pirate or sea character themed stories.

Thanks to all of you who have encouraged your children with this. Keep it up!

Splashing Home Challenges!

If you want to further your learning at home, you might like to try one or more of these challenges:

  • Paint a picture or make a collage of an under the sea image. What can you see under the sea?
  • Design your own pirate ship or pirate flag.
  • Create your own amazing lunch and design a menu for your family. Take photos of your meal to share with your friends.
  • Use Lego or another construction kit to build an amazing ship or boat.
  • With an adult’s help, find some objects around your house and test to see whether they float or sink when you put them in water. See if you can predict first what you think will happen and then see if you were right!

Trips and Events

During this term we are planning a visit to a seaside location with our friends from Chiddingly and St Mary’s. We will also be having a Pirate day, where we dress up and take part in fun activities. More details to follow very shortly.

Websites and Links

Quick Reminders

  • Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle and their book bag each day.
  • Our PE days are Tuesday & Wednesday but PE kits should be in all week.
  • Sunhats are essential in the warmer weather when we are outside for longer periods of time. We are not permitted to apply sun cream to any child, so children must have it applied before they come to school.

We hope you all have a lovely final term supporting the children in their Early Years learning. Please do not hesitate to come and speak to us if necessary.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Denney


Write the names of as many different boats as you can and bring these in to share with your friends. Here are a few examples to help you!

Good Luck!