Awe & Wonder Day – Vision & Values

We held a Vision and Values focused Awe & Wonder Day where we looked at the biblical theology behind our school vision. We started by thinking about the bible passage in which it states: “With God all things are possible” Matthew 19:36 and how this encourages us to think about God’s teachings and values.

The children were then split into key stage groups to rotate around different workshops which would encourage us to think about the stories behind our values and how the messages within these can impact on our everyday lives.

Nursery also took part in the day, spending time learning about our value of love, the story of the Good Samaritan, and how he helped others. They acted out the story and thought about being good friends.

In the art workshop the children created art pieces centred around each of the values. Each group focused on a different value, discussing the story from which it came, what it meant to the children as individuals and how we might show it within our community. We then experimented with different techniques to create our masterpieces!

In another group, we considered the value of Wisdom. We read the story ‘Soloman asks God for Wisdom.’ Then we talked about the different ways we use our knowledge and wisdom in everyday life.

When we focused on the value of strength through the story of Ruth. We learnt how Ruth persevered and showed the value of strength by staying with her mother in law Naomi. The children collated words that mean ‘strength’. They then used these words to create acrostic poetry for the words Ruth and strength.

Father Jeremy also ran a workshop helping us to think about how we are the stones that build our path and our road in life. The children created their own stone gift, sharing the strengths that they each bring and give to our school community. This helped them to think about the path they are taking and what they contribute.

You can also see our fantastic learning from this day on display in our conservatory waiting room.