
This term the Christian Value we have been exploring is Courage. We have explored the bible stories, Ester the Brave, Joshua and The Walls of Jericho and linked courage to the story of Chinese new year.

We have also been learning the song ‘This is Me’ from the musical the Greatest Showman and linked this to being brave and courageous like those in the film.

We have been thinking about how our lives our impacted and what we think about following the collective worship sessions, some of the children shared what learning about courage has helped them to do or think about.

“To try my best even when things are tricky, and not giving up on things I really want to achieve even if I am finding it hard”. – A

“It has helped me to be brave and notice others in the playground”. – D

“I have tried harder in some of the learning I have found harder”. – C

“Trying harder in my literacy as I find that hard sometimes”. – M

“Being brave at my first football training as I was new, but I still went”. – S

“I think it has helped me think about trust and bravery when I am doing lifts in my dancing”. – O

“To be brave and not give up no matter what happens”. – G