Enterprise Week 15th – 19th May

During Enterprise week, each class was given £20 to spend on whatever materials they needed to create a product to sell at the end of the week. The challenge was to see which class could make the most profit.

Reception created their own Café for enterprise week. They looked at the different coins they would need to make the cost of tea, coffee and hot chocolate as well as the ingredients to make biscuits. They then worked in groups to make and decorate biscuits.

Year 1 and 2 designed, budgeted for and made Ladybird cakes. They had lots of fun and were really happy to make some money. Holly L said “I enjoyed making the cupcakes – especially the icing.” Darcy said “I enjoyed making cakes and doing the game of Guess the Weight of the Cake!” Lotte and Holly Z enjoyed adding the ingredients together to work out the total we needed to spend.

Year 3 and 4 designed and created cards for Enterprise Week. We asked our parents which cards they would find most useful to buy and then we made a range of Father’s Day cards.

We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and had fun selling them.

George, Year 4, says, “I had lots of fun using glitter and pom poms.”

Summer, Year 3, says, “I liked making cards and making a mess!”

Year 5 and 6 created ‘Bugs in Boots’ models to sell. We sold every single one of them and were amazed by the number of compliments we received for our creativity! We made posters and banners to advertise our stock and we had to budget for the materials that we needed – we spent our £20 budget on clay, googly eyes, pipe cleaners and spray sealant.