Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to their community (World Health Organisation).

At Pioneer we are committed to promoting and supporting positive mental, physical and emotional wellbeing for all school stakeholders - pupils, staff, parents & community.

We are pleased to confirm that East Hoathly school has achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools. This award celebrates all that the school does to promote positive mental health and support the wellbeing of everyone in the school community. The report demonstrates some of the school's specific strengths, including support for staff, development of the Thrive Approach, the ethos of care within the school and the teaching of mental health and wellbeing within the school.

The award is valid for three years and we will be looking to continue to develop the work being done in school during that period.

At East Hoathly we have continued our wellbeing initiatives to ensure well being remains a high priority for our whole school community.

  • In school we have continued to have 'I Wish my teacher knew sessions'
  • We have also created new calm reflection spaces in our library and playground
  • We have developed 'Zones of Regulation' displays and strategies in our classrooms to help us notice how we are feeling in different situations.
  • In addition to this we now have a school therapy dog who visits the school weekly. Her name is Tilly and the children love spending time with her.
  • For our families we have provided a variety of workshop opportunities across the federation such as Anxiety awareness, phonics and CLASS+ Support.

Wellbeing Blog

On the week beginning 3rd February, we celebrated Children's Mental Health Week at East Hoathly. In our classes, we learned read more
At East Hoathly we celebrated and themed our learning around mental health, wellbeing and connecting with others. Each class completed read more
Our wellbeing garden is really developing in the playground and the children are enjoying playing with the new resources. Mr read more
Hedgehogs We have been thinking about ‘wellbeing’. We learnt in an emergency you call 999. We also explored first aid, read more
On Tuesday 12th November, the children took part in ‘Odd Sock Day’. This event was created to be celebrated during read more
On Monday, we held our termly PALs assembly (Progress and Learning) where we celebrated all of the fantastic learning which read more
ReceptionIn Reception, we read the story of ‘The Mood Hoover’ and we talked about our different feelings.We then used different read more
Please see the links below for local support and services for all.  (These links were sourced through East Sussex County read more
On Monday 1st April, the children took part in a Progress and Learning, Sharing assembly with a focus on the read more
On Monday this week, the children took part in a PALs assembly. In the PALs assembly, children sit next to read more
Last week was Children's Mental Health week, and across the school each class completed activities linked to the theme 'Healthy read more
For more information about supporting your child's mental health and wellbeing, please speak to your child's class teacher. Some further information read more
The school participated in activities while reflecting on mental health and what it means to take care of yourself. One read more
On Thursday the 24th May, the entire school came together to celebrate the learning they had done over the past read more
This week, we have actioned choosing reduced sugar cereals in Breakfast Club and from next Monday, we will have brown read more
You may have seen in the news recently the Change4Life campaign which aims to cut down sugar intake in children. read more
This term, we will be developing MINDFULNESS in the school - the importance of finding time in the day to read more
On Tuesday the 3rd of January, Pioneer staff took part in a Wellbeing INSET day. We had visitors come in read more