World Mental Health Day 2019


In Reception, we read the story of ‘The Mood Hoover’ and we talked about our different feelings.

We then used different materials to create feeling faces to help us think about how we should be feeling.

Year 1 and 2 

In Year 1 and 2, after the assembly about Mental Health day, we read the story ‘This is our House’ by Micheal Rosen.
We discussed how the characters in story were feeling because of the actions of others. Then we discussed respect and if we showed other people respect then they would not be made to feel this way.

Year 3 and 4

On World Mental Health Day, the year 3 and 4 class read a poem together called “Healthy inside and out with Unique the Unicorn”. The poem is about two best friends, Unique the Unicorn and Rarity the rabbit, who enjoy spending lots of time together.

In the poem however, Rarity is feeling a little down so she turns to her best friend for some help. Unique offered lots of advice to Rarity as to how she can look after herself better.

At the end of the day, the class were asked to think about how they can both help themselves and others to make everyone’s lives happier. The children wrote their thoughts on ‘Helpful Hearts’ to help them remember how important it is to take care of ourselves and those around us.

Year 5 and 6

In assembly, we talked about what happens when feelings of sadness, anxiety and anger get too big. The children came up with ideas to help when someone is finding things too hard. They came up with lots of ideas including exercise, talking to someone, eating healthily, mindful breathing, reading a book, thinking of a happy place. The peer mediators and playground pals stood up to remind the children they can help when needed.
In Year 5 and 6, we watched a really interesting film made by other Year 6 children about sharing our worries when they get too big: