Nursery Forest School

We started our session today with a game of keeper of the keys; the children took it in turns to sneak in a steal the keys from the keeper then ran as fast as they could back to their space without being caught.

On our walk down to forest school the children collected as many leaves as they could and pushed them onto a stick; it was a little tricky but kept trying. Some of the leaves they found were as big as their faces, ”wow, so big”.

As we walked these were some of the things that the children said,

“Spiky leaves”
“A tree tunnel”

The path taking us to the woods was very muddy, the children enjoyed stomping a squelching in the mud “squishy mud”.

When we arrived we talked about how important it is that we don’t pick or eat anything that we find at forest school as it could make or tummies poorly.

Once the slack line was up the class practiced their balancing skills again, walking all the way to the end then finishing by jumping down.

We took Harold the Hedgehog to forest school with us today, a group of children gathered sticks, pine branches and leaves to create him a little home to live in.

To finish the session today we sat and had a cup hot chocolate to warm our tummies and a piece of fruit.