Reception Term 4 – ‘Off We Go… Exploring’

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Dear Parents,

Welcome back, we hope you had a great half term. Our topic for Term 4 is ‘Off we go Exploring’ and our learning journey will begin with exploring the well-known text ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. We will also be visiting our forest and local area. Then we will be using stories to explore other places around the world, including Jerusalem and linking this to the Easter Story.

Our key texts this term are:

Areas of Learning


Our focus in literacy this term is using our phonic knowledge to write stories using narrative language, adjectives, nouns and verbs.  In reading, our phonics knowledge, high frequency and tricky words will develop further – we will be talking about the events in the books we read and predicating what will happen next.


In maths we are going to secure our knowledge of addition and subtraction with the support of objects. Through making fruit kebabs, we will be creating detailed patterns. We will also begin to look at weight, measuring and comparison of amounts.

Understanding the World

The children will be making lots of observations of the world around them, and virtually exploring other countries. As Easter approaches, we will be learning about the Easter Story and talking about our Easter experiences.

Home Learning

We would like to thank you all for your effort with last term’s home learning tasks including reading with your children.

Reading Please read with your child regularly, even if it is a home or library book. At this stage it is really helpful to discuss the stories that you read and use story language such as, character, setting, beginning, middle and end.

The more experiences that children have of sharing books at home, the quicker they progress in all areas of the curriculum as it develops their creativity, vocabulary and imagination, as well as furthering their reading and writing skills.

Letters and Sounds Your child will be bringing home their focus phonic sounds and high frequency word lists.

 Home Challenges!

Please choose one or more of the following activities to enjoy at home and record these in your home learning book. These can be brought in at any time during the term.

  • Make a mini fact file of a place you have visited.
  • Try different foods from around the world and write about your favourite one.
  • Paint or draw a picture of the forest or a place you have visited.
  • Create your own collage of a ‘new place’.
  • Find out about the animals that live in hot or cold places.

Websites and Links

Quick Reminders

  • Please can you make sure your child brings in a water bottle and their book bag each day.
  • Our PE days are Tuesday & Wednesday but PE kits should be in all week.

Forest School  

This term, we will be doing Forest School sessions linked to our topic; there will be a letter with specific dates and times for these sessions. If you are able to help out at all please let us know.

We hope you all have a lovely term supporting the children in their learning. Please do not hesitate to come and speak to us if necessary.

Thank you for your support,

Miss  Denney and Mrs Smith