Squirrels Forest School

We started our session today by looking at the Daffodil bulbs that were planted last time to see if they had started to grow. The class found that most of the bulbs had started to send up green shoots and the roots had grown so much on a few of them that it had pushed the bulb out of the pot.

On the way to the woods the class had a look for some animal tracks, with the ground being frozen it made them easy to spot. We found lots of dog tracks, one was so big that the class were sure it was a bear.

In the woods the children went on the hunt to find the den made by Owls class, this then set off some great team work in creating their own dens. One group used a tree to prop up the branches of their den. They then used more branches to create a path leading to the den, sweeping the fallen leaves away to keep the path clear. Another group created a fort inside a Holly bush, with guards to protect it from invaders.

Some children chose to make pine cone bird feeders. They did this by filling the pine cone with lard and then rolling it in bird seeds. Others used pipe cleaners which they posted cheerios onto, both feeders were then hung in the trees ready for the birds. As they were made we talked about what birds may come to eat from the feeders “a Robin”, “a Black-bird”.

A fallen tree was found by Squirrels class today. They took it in turns to sit on the tree and bounce.

At the end of the session we listened to what we had enjoyed about our time in the woods today:

“I like forest school because you find something new”

“bouncing on a branch”