Year 3 & 4 Roman Day

In the morning we made Roman shields and Roman jewellery. We used sugar cubes to
design Roman buildings. We also found out about Roman feasts and designed our own

The leaders of our troops prepared us for battle this afternoon! We made the ‘Tortoise’
and ‘Wedge’ formation with our shields.

“I liked having the feast because we had Year 6 as our Roman slaves and they served us
food!” -Abigail, Year 3

“I loved the whole day because we were all dressed up and it was so much fun!” -Florence, Year 3

“I liked the battle because we had to make the tortoise formation and then go into
battle with our friends!” -Alfie, Year 3

“It was really good because we got to have a feast and build Roman buildings out of sugar
cubes!” -Lola, Year 3