Park Mead 2024

Chestnuts Forest School

A call out to any parents/carers who might be able to help. Dormouse needs some help to secure the rope swing using the correct knots so the children can have a tyre swing. Is there anyone who has super knot tying skills? If you are able to help, please let the School Office know. Thank you.

Chestnuts set off in small groups on the hunt for as many different autumn leaves as they could find. Then they laid the leaves they had found onto an ID sheet to help identify them.

Once at Forest School some of the class chose to create a mini bug hotel in the tins they had brought in. They did this by gathering some small sticks and leaves, which were then packed tightly into the tin ensuring they wouldn’t all fall out. As a group we talked about the importance of creating somewhere dry and out of the cold for the bugs to hide over winter.

The impact of Forest School for the children is the knowledge the children have gained from the Forest School experience. The impact can be seen through the skills gained, tools used, art and craft activities, observations and knowledge of the fruit, plants trees in relation to the seasons and the skills involved in learning how to play Forest School games.

Unfortunately the den that the class had created in their last session had been dismantled. This did not seem to bother them and they very quickly got stuck into creating another amazing den. While they were constructing the children came across some fungi that was growing on the wood previously used for the den roof. The children were very intrigued by the fungi asking an adult what it was and if they could still use
the wood if they made sure to only look at the fungi. They had found some King Alfred’s Cakes and some Yellow Brain. We talked about how the King Alfred’s Cakes can be used to start a fire. The children gathered these ready to try the next time they are at Forest School and are lighting a fire.

Some of the class practiced their sawing skills. They helped to cut up some long dead Oak branches that had recently been taken down. First, they chose the branch they wanted to cut up and placed it on the saw horse. Some of the lengths were so long that they had to make several cuts to reach the end. Once their branch was cut, they gathered the pieces and added them to our firewood box. Great work Chestnuts!

With the new fence around the pond, the children decided to revamp the old sign that had become a little faded and unreadable. There is now a lovely sign that reads ‘The Nature Bog’, with very colourful flowers, bees and butterflies all over it.