Park Mead 2024

Chestnuts Forest School

The class started their afternoon with a game of ‘fox and rabbits’ to warm themselves up on the chilly afternoon outside. They took it in turns to chase the rabbit and try to make themselves ‘safe’ by creating pairs of children to be ‘burrows’.

The children had two challenges this afternoon. Firstly to light a fire to warm themselves, and boil a kettle to make hot apple juice for the end of the session.

The children sorted the sticks into widths and learned how to lay a fire. They then used fire strikers to create sparks and to ignite cotton wool, which then lit the fire. It is a tricky challenge, requiring motivation, persistence and quite sophisticated fine motor coordination. It was fantastic to see the perseverance and to enjoy a warm drink together as a reward for the hard work.

The Impact of Forest School for the children is the knowledge the children have gained from the Forest School experience.
The impact can be seen through the skills gained, tools used, art and craft activities, observations and knowledge of the fruit, plants and trees in relation to the seasons and the skills involved in learning how to play Forest School games.

The second challenge for the children was linked to their science curriculum, all about mini beasts and their habitats. Chestnuts worked hard to lift and carry pallets and wood to create the framework for a new bug hotel. They then started to fill it with pots, old crockery, wood, pine cones and leaves to create a habitat for the bugs in their Forest School space. They saw lots of woodlice whilst constructing and came up with some really engaged, creative ideas.

“We found clay…we can use it to fix the pots to the bug hotel”

“I have been out foraging and found these pine cones, we can use these”

“I have put clay on the pot, it has a face on it now”

“This wood can be a chimney on the top of the bug hotel”

Along with their challenges Chestnuts created in the mud kitchen and took it in turns to swing on the tyre swing and hammock.

At the end of the session they shared and listened to what they had all enjoyed about the session.

“I liked playing in the mud kitchen with my friends”

“I like making the fire”

“I liked all of it….everything!”

Well done Chestnuts for working so well together and completing your two challenges!