Curriculum Events

We kicked off our Meerkat Mail topic with a class trip to Drusillas - thanks to all parents and carers read more
Oaks have been having the best time at PGL, 4 nights away! They have been superstars, trying new and challenging read more
Last Friday, Oaks class were invited to Bede’s for an amazing event. We were lucky enough to have a guest read more
Our Park Mead Skills Builder project week was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who was able to visit read more
Well done to all the children for their lovely Easter bonnets, bunny ears, big smiles and for putting so much read more
Both our KS2 classes have recently enjoyed a ‘Morning of Sport’ at Bedes. They had a wonderful time and took read more
Oaks had a brilliant trip to the Houses of Parliament. We enjoyed an amazing guided tour around most of the read more