Friends of Park Mead

Christmas Tree Festival Dec 2024

The Christmas Tree Event was a huge success. The children met Father Christmas, decorated gingerbread and enjoyed hot chocolates amongst the Christmas Trees they decorated in their classes. The tombola was very popular with huge queues all evening! Mrs West pulled the raffle and the lucky winners took home fantastic prizes. In total, the event raised a fantastic £467.

Thank you to everyone who supported the event by attending with their children, helping on the day and donating raffle and tombola prizes. Without this support the event would not have been possible.

We are very grateful to BlackBrooks Garden Centre, Sussex Christmas Tree Farm and Sharnfold Farm who very generously donated the Christmas trees.

As Chair of The Friends for the last 7 years, Debbie Lapworth has now handed over the role to Aimee Heyland Part. We have enormous gratitude to Debbie for her years of dedication and hard work which have been of great benefit to the Friends and the school. Thank you Debbie!

And congratulations to Aimee Heyland Part for her first successful event as the new Chair. Look out for more events from the Friends in 2025 and have a wonderful Christmas.

Summer News 2024

Christmas 2023

The Friends of Park Mead

The Friends of Park Mead is an independently registered charity who organise fund raising and fun events throughout the year. EVERY penny raised is donated to Park Mead to support or fund projects, mainly as part of the School’s Development Plan. We meet socially once a month to organise our events program.

Getting Involved

Every parent automatically becomes a member of the Friends when their child joins Park Mead and it is up to you how involved you wish to be. We understand that we all have busy lives, but as parents you can have a direct influence on the experience your child/ren have while at this school. So, if you have a talent or qualification that you think parents or children would like to learn, or you have a fundraising idea, please let us know.

Recent Fundraising Events

Our recent events include Santa's Grotto, Car Treasure Hunt, Easter Egg Hunt, Leavers Hawaiian Disco, Refreshments at Sports Day and Bags2School. The money raised so far has paid for new playground equipment, a Forest School shelter, an online Pantomime and hopefully some new outdoor equipment. Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to raise these funds.

Easy Fundraising

Spending online? Why not raise money for the school at the same time? It is so easy and once you have joined up using your e-mail address, every time you shop online you raise money for the school. Whether you are thinking about booking a holiday, shopping online (over 4,200 retailers) or simply doing your Tesco’s shop, when you make a purchase we will receive a donation to say thank you for shopping with them. It is so simple but makes a HUGE difference so please sign up!

Keeping Up to Date

There are a number of ways we keep in touch:

  • Join our meetings – you will always be welcome and we are very friendly!
  • Look at our notice board in the playground or check your emails for details of upcoming events.
  • Join our Facebook page – Friends of Park Mead School
    This is a closed page for sharing news about events and activities relating to the school.
  • Email:

We would love for you to get involved!